Chapter 8: Have a large supply of raw meat ready for him for afterwards...

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"She did what?!?" Jean gaped in disgust.

"Was the only way to get it out." Logan grunted, irritated.

Max looked over at Professor Xavier who was now watching the interaction between Jean and Logan with a great deal of interest. The redhead seemed particularly temperamental. She was very beautiful and her anger only enhanced her appearance, which irritated Max. In her opinion, angry people should look unpleasant if not downright ugly – not more appealing.

The professor explained, "Be that as it may, Logan, the problem still remains. The only logical explanation for those men being able to locate you so quickly is that there must still be another tracking device somewhere on your person."

Max frowned. If that was the case, why hadn't she tasted it on him? Surely it would have given off some sort of electrical resonance through his body like the first one had. Wouldn't it? Jean was still reeling from the shock at the revelation that Max had cut him open to extract the first one. Wasn't she a doctor of sorts? Henry had mentioned something about it during their conversation earlier. Surely the woman couldn't be that squeamish.

Granted, Max had to admit that it had been pretty nerve racking at the time, and she had passed out shortly afterward. Max winced as Logan looked over at her, looking beleaguered.

"Look," she said, trying to make herself heard over the arguing that had now broken out between Jean and Logan. "Doctor McCoy mentioned something about being a scientist. Isn't this something he can figure out?"

What were they, children? They were snapping at each other like siblings.

Professor Xavier seemed to see her for the first time, his expression relaxing. "You are indeed correct, Max. I'm somewhat concerned that I didn't think of that sooner."

Ororo was making her way from the kitchen when Hank walked in. The two of them looked at each other for a moment, then walked past each other. Max wasn't sure if anybody else in the room had noticed their secretive smiles to each other.

What an intriguing pairing, Max thought to herself, looking back over at Logan and seeing an exasperated look on his face. The redhead was really getting to him.

Max felt her lips curl into a small smile as Henry said, "Unfortunately, I'm afraid that none of our equipment is quite diminutive enough to transport easily up from the lab. We'll need to transport him down there in order to conduct a thorough physiological inquiry."

Max watched Logan look over at Doctor McCoy and her smile grew bigger as she watched him set his jaw. She shook her head gently as he turned back to face her, frowning.

"I don't care where it is. I'm not cutting it out of you this time. You're on your own with that, darlin'."

His bland expression almost made her laugh out loud. "I'll go with you, though."

"Henry, report back to me with the findings as soon as they're available." The professor turned to the redhead and said, "And I believe that you currently have a patient to tend to, Jean. I'm sure Doctor McCoy will notify you when he needs you."

The woman gave Logan an acidic look before turning and walking out of the room with a haughty stride.

"What's her problem?" Logan grumbled.

Max walked over to him and explained, "She's attracted to you, and she doesn't like it. Girls get stupid when it comes to stuff like that."

The three men in the room went silent. Doctor McCoy recovered first, clearing his throat.

"The lab is this way. If you'll please follow me." He walked out into the foyer.

As Henry walked past her, Logan let out a laugh. "And you say I need to adapt better socially?"

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