Chapter 14: If you leave again, I'll cut your fucking heart out myself

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Logan opened his eyes, surprised to find himself lying in a medical bay – without restraints. He kept his breathing even as he looked around, frowning as he spotted a blonde woman curled up in a chair at the foot of his hospital bed. She appeared to be asleep. He quickly sat up and jumped off the bed, placing it between him and the rest of the room as he surveyed his surroundings. He took a deep breath, his chest tightening at her familiar scent.

He watched as she shifted her position in the chair, pulling the blanket that covered her closer to her chin. Her eyes suddenly popped open and she looked back at him, staying very still. Logan went into a slight crouch, watching the woman as she slowly uncoiled from the chair. He let out a low, throaty growl and backed up a step.

"Logan." The woman's voice was thick with sleep.

He trembled slightly, now hyper aware of the affect that the combination of her scent and voice were having on him. Damn, she smelled good.

Still, first priority was food. Escape. Food. Sleep, then rut. His body needed fuel if he was going to be able to continue moving around. Base needs had to be taken care of first.

The woman stood up and he took another step back, his hands at his sides.

She frowned at him, cocking her head to the side. "Logan?"

There was only one exit and he tensed, wanting simply to be free and fed.


Shit – he's gone feral.

Max took a long, slow breath. At least his claws hadn't popped yet. She held a hand out to him, hoping that he would take it as a sign to ease down.

~ I've told the residents to stay in their rooms. Get him outside, if you can. ~

Max almost jumped at the sound of Xavier's voice in her thoughts. While it was sometimes handy to have the intervention of a powerful telepath, the 'head talk' thing still tweaked her. She'd notified the team beforehand that he would likely wake up unaware of himself due to the amount of damage he'd sustained.

Just provide us with a straight path out, and it should be okay, she'd explained, wondering at the time how bad it would actually be when he regained consciousness.

"Food?" she asked softly, making her tone and body language as passive as possible. Any remotely dominant moves would be taken as an act of outright aggression at this point and her best bet was to maintain as submissive a posture as she was able.

Logan came out of the crouch and slowly stood up, his expression still wary.

"Follow?" she murmured, taking a tentative step forward.

It was better to stick to single word communication. Nice and simple.

Logan watched her, his posture tight and tense.

Max couldn't blame him, after what he'd gone through. Having a vague idea had been bad enough, but seeing the actual aftermath of what they had done to him – it still made her shudder.

She lowered her eyes and slowly walked past him, shivering when she felt him turn and begin to follow her. So far, so good.

Until he ate, he'd be difficult to reason with at best. Turnskin Alphas tended to get very aggressive and temperamental after healing massive amounts of damage unless they consumed an almost obscene amount of food shortly afterward. She was guessing he was pretty much the same. It was probably a safe bet.

The trip up through the mansion to the ground floor was thankfully uneventful. Max kept expecting somebody to pop their head out from around a corner, which would have set him off faster than anything else, and would likely have gotten her and the interloper killed. He was probably bewildered at the mixture of unfamiliar scents surrounding him already.

Chance Encounter - Wolverine/X-Men FanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora