Chapter 22: You don't wear one of those candy ass uniforms now, do you?

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"Is that really what you're planning on wearing?" Max chuckled as Logan frowned back at her

What was wrong with jeans and a tanktop anyway? It was comfortable and easy to move in. Perfect combination. At least he didn't look like an idiot trying to play at being a superhero, or whatever it was these kids had in mind.

"It's functional. I don't need to run around in a tight black leather outfit to take care'a business." he replied dryly.

"Aren't you going to be cold?" she asked as they walked up to the jet. "We are going to Russia, after all. I hear it snows a lot there."

"Actually, the current weather report states that the temperature in the region is at negative twenty. I believe Henry has an extra jacket that he can provide you."

Ororo came up behind them, passing them with a wry smile.

"I will see if he can get somebody to bring it out."

"Perhaps he's too much of a he-man to wear something as sissy as a jacket to keep the chill off."

Jean called out with a smug expression as she followed Ororo up the ramp into the belly of the plane.

Logan growled, eying the redhead with a baleful gaze as he muttered, "Can I at least hit her? Just once?"

Max shook her head slowly.

"This is going to be a long trip with you two."


Logan sat behind Max in an outfit two sizes too big for him. It was one of the older prototype models of the current outfits that the rest of the crew were wearing, so it looked a touch weatherbeaten. It was supremely uncomfortable.

"I can't believe I let you talk me into this." he grumbled.

"You'll be thankful for the temperature regulation field when we're on the ground. It really does make a huge difference."

Max craned her neck to look back at him, smiling.

Ororo was busy prepping the jet for takeoff as Logan grunted and shifted in his seat. At the moment, he fairly swam in leather.

How was he supposed to fight in this fucking thing?

He sat back with a scowl, looking for all the world like an angry wet cat as the jet lifted off.


The snow covered mountains around Lake Baikal were majestic as they rose to greet the gibbous moon. It'd be full in a few days time. Max looked out at the lake itself, wondering what the bright silver reflection would look like dancing on the smooth surface of the water. What she could see of it was currently frozen solid and covered in powdery white snow. It was one of the most beautiful sights she'd ever seen.

"Wow. I'm actually in Russia." she breathed, watching the cloud of moisture from her breath curl slowly in the subzero night air.


Logan grunted, trying again to adjust the horrid leather suit so that it resembled something somewhat comfortable. He was annoyed to find that she'd been right about the temperature adjustment. He barely felt the cold.

"We're near the Mongolian border."

"Really?" Max asked, grinning as she murmured and looked up.


The stars stood out in bright pinpoints against a black sky. Logan looked over at her and smiled at the look on her face as she looked up at the stars – the utter, almost childlike wonder. When was the last time he'd actually felt something close to it?

Chance Encounter - Wolverine/X-Men FanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon