Chapter 7: Don't start getting all psych 101 on me, Max.

Start from the beginning

Max's hands slowly slid down his back, immediately redirecting his thoughts to something much less confusing. She smiled as he leaned in to kiss her, trying to hold back – to take it slow.

"You don't have to worry about breaking me.."

Logan growled then, gripping her roughly and pressing her tight against the line of his body.

"Better." she purred.

Logan quickly lifted her, wrapping her legs around his waist as he moved to slam her back up against the wall. Max quickly pulled her sweatshirt off, tossing it across the room. Within moments, they'd separated from each other, getting the rest of their clothing out of the way as quickly as possible.

Max lifted her hands over her head as she moved to lean back against the wall, locking her arms together. Did she know what she was doing to him? The signs of her submission were like a red flag to a bull. He shivered as a smile curved her lips.

Oh yeah, she knew. It shattered what little control he had left.

Suddenly she was in his arms again as he pulled her against him, growling. He gripped her tighter, digging his fingers into her ass.

Logan then spun Max to face the wall, grabbing her hips and roughly pulling her back. Max cried out and slapped her hands on the wall, her toes curling as his fingers dipped down to find her more than ready, sliding along her slickness and sending sparks skating through her synapses. He leaned into her and ran a hand through her hair, gripping it tight, his lips brushing along the back of her neck.

"Please.." she whispered, and he bit down hard, marking her and drawing blood as he slid into her.

Max screamed as she came apart beneath his fingers, and he felt her body lock up as he sped up his rhythm, relentless.

Once he'd spilled over the edge, Logan then quickly spun her and kissed her, gripping her so tightly he was positive he'd leave bruises – for however long they'd last on her skin. The wolf girl returned the kiss with a ferocity that surprised him.

Logan pulled back and she let out a full throated laugh, her eyes wild. It took his breath away. A trail of crimson snaked down over one of her breasts, and he frowned. He didn't think he'd bitten her that hard. The ragged marks his teeth had left in her skin were already closing up.

"Don't stop." she moaned, her voice husky.

"Jesus, Max." he groaned, wanting to lose himself in this. In her.

So, for the rest of the night, he did.


Max woke to the sounds of a chatty bird in the tree outside their window. Warm sunlight streamed in the window through the leaves. She turned to try to catch a glimpse of the bird and chuckled as Logan mumbled something and pulled her close.

She felt him smiling against her skin as she asked, "You plan on getting up anytime soon?"

He shifted beside her, groaning. "Too bright."

She laughed lightly and turned to face him. "Aren't you interested in checking this place out? It's enormous."

Logan looked over at her, nonplussed. "Saw all of this place I need to last night."

Max smiled and she saw the ghost of a smile play along his lips as he rolled onto his back.

"Well, I'm gonna go exploring and see if I can find some breakfast."

Max sat up and walked over to collect the grey sweats that she'd thrown over by the door in their late night frenzy.

"And some different clothes."

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