Chapter 23: Egypt: Sphinx Problem

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'What have gotten me into this mess?' Shade thought as he hanged upside down by the foot as the two of the passengers lay on pillows as the remnants of a plane could be seen a few meters away from their location.

"Ugh. What happened?" A voice of a passenger says.

"Good morning Miss Artoria and you too Lady Gabriel." Shade greets as the two mentioned people woke up from their short unconsciousness.

"Where are we?" Gabriel groggily asks.

"In the middle of nowhere..." Shade replies as he sees a river just a few meters beside them.

Shade wriggles his foot on the branch as he falls to the sandy floor.

"What's our plan?" Shade asks as the two women walk up to him.

"I could fly back to heaven." Gabriel says as she tries to open her wings but none.

"*sigh* Well looks like we can't. The Absorber must be enchanted with Mana Destruction. It causes the people affected to lose their mana." Shade sighs again. "Just my luck. Hm?" Shade looks across the river.

"Is there something their Shade?" Artoria asks.

"Yes, looks like it's being inhabited by 4 people." He replied as he summons Galantine shooking Artoria and Gabriel.

"You took Gawain's Sword?!" Artoria shouts but Shade just places it on his back.

"Don't worry, He has his own and I have mine," Shade says as his Galantine glows.

"What's it doing?" Gabriel asks.

"Taking mana from the sun." Shade answers as he starts to walk towards the river.

Shade sighs as he was about to put a foot on the river he jumped back as a crocodile leaped out of the river with its jaws wide open.

"For fuck's sake." Shade face palms himself.

Shade's legs were covered in darkness as he crouched down at it glowed.

He then jumped which crossed over the river and landed to the other side.

"Well good luck you two!!" Shade laughs as he jogs off.

"Well?" Gabriel looks at Artoria.

"You know." Artoria was smiling. "Let's do it."


"Off to the pyramid!" Shade shouts as he kept on running till a large shadow over compasses him.

"You've got to be shitting me." Shade says as he sees Gabriel waving from above.

"Hey, Shade!!" Gabriel shouts. "Artoria says the f word to you!!" She says.

"Fuck me clockwise!!" Shade shouts as he crouched down and boosted himself up as he was able to get onto the deck Artoria grabbed him by the head and raised him up by her height level.

"What are you doing here?" Artoria tightened her grip on his head as Shade starts to struggle.

"Alright! Alright! Stop crushing my head!!" He shouts as Artoria loosens her grip.

"I'm sorry for leaving you both," Shade says as Artoria sighs and drops him onto the floor.

Shade starts rolling on the floor as he places both hands on his head.

"Ow ow ow ow." Shade says as he rubs it then standing up

"You better lead the way." Artoria says as she takes a glass of wine and then takes a sip from it.

Great Bullsh*ttery Of Shade In The World Of DxDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora