Mood Swings: Part 1

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Hi all! 

I don't know how I managed to turn around and get another chapter out so quickly. I pleasantly surprised myself. I also realized that I would need to break up this chapter into two parts. First time I've ever done this, so we'll see how it goes. 

I just started my junior year of college, so my schedule will be going back to absolute insanity. Thanks for sticking with me through it. 

Read, vote, comment, message me, fan, etc. I love hearing from you all :)

Much love,



The next several hours were a blur. My mind was too far concentrated on the shocking connection I made at Sam's house. I barely registered getting ready to go to the basketball game or even the basketball game itself. Not even the beautiful sight of Jake in a sleeveless jersey could pull me out of the far away place I was. 

It felt like I was half there the entire game. I watched distractedly as Jake ran up and down the court with his teammates. He was the team's highest scorer of the night, which wasn't a surprise. I didn't understand many of the rules of basketball, so it discouraged me even further to actually pay attention to what was happening on the court. Every time my friends cheered loudly, I snapped back into the current moment and clapped along with them, oblivious to what we were actually cheering for. 

When the crowd returned to a low roar, my thoughts drifted again. Sam obviously knew what his dad was doing and so did the rest of the family. His dad was being pretty transparent about the entire ordeal and still he continued to cheat on his wife. What kind of sick joke was that? Sam didn't think I knew what was going on since he didn't know about me hearing his phone call and seeing his dad with his mistress. I still couldn't wrap my head around the fact that I had seen his dad in the act. It was pretty bold of Mr. Reeves to take this woman out to dinner at a very popular restaurant in Mountain Brook. Everyone is well aware of who Mrs. Reeves was and the red haired woman that had sat across from him definitely wasn't her. 

How long had this been going on? Months, years? How long has Sam known? I couldn't imagine how he was feeling or has been feeling. The weight he has been carrying around must be exhausting, yet he maintained the same disposition like nothing could possibly be wrong. Sam was not living in this perfect world like I thought he was. 

"Lu?" Savannah's soft voice was the anchor that pulled me back to reality. 

"Uh, yeah. What's up? Sorry. I just spaced for a second," I sputtered out, regaining my bearings of the room. 

Savannah, Beth, and I had hauled all of our stuff over to Rosie's house to get ready together. I didn't really understand this tradition whatsoever, but apparently this was common practice among girls before parties. Rosie had a playlist of today's hip hop playing in the background and she was dancing around the room to it. Her hair was half straightened with the other half still pulled into a messy bun on top of her head. Beth was carefully applying her makeup in the mirror. Her mouth was slightly ajar as she swiped mascara over her eyelashes with precision. Savannah had a curling iron in her hand but was paused to look at me before wrapping another strand of strawberry blonde hair around it. Her attention was focused on me as I sat cross-legged on Rosie's bed. 

I was a little lost in how to begin getting ready. I didn't want to bother the three of them in their routines, so I had allowed my mind to return to think about Sam. 

"Do you need a little help?" Savannah asked sweetly, her eyes wide with concern. 

I nodded wordlessly, embarrassed that I needed a little push with something as simple as getting ready. 

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