You Drive Like a Grandmother with a Stick Up Her Ass

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I stood frozen at my seated position in front of the piano. My hands laid limp in my lap and my mouth was hung open in shock. Was he out of his mind? We had agreed this would stay between the two of us and now he was practically throwing us into the fire. If his sister found out who I was, we were toast. There was no way she wouldn't tell Mrs. Reeves and then I would never see the light of day ever again.

Granted, I knew that Sam's sister was a few years older than us and probably didn't know exactly who I was just from seeing my face. Even so, why would we ever want to take the chance? She most definitely knew who my sister was and if there was any way that two and two could be put together, this whole thing was over.

"This is not the time to do your frozen mute bit," Sam suddenly hissed from the doorway. He leaned himself half way into the room and watched me with a critical eye. "I know what I'm doing and Catherine is not going to give a single fuck about you. She loves talking about herself way too much."

Sam's less than comforting words got me going as I slowly untangled myself from the bench and met him at the door with slow steps. "I'll do the talking, just stand there and don't say anything. You're good at that." Sam whipped around and strode across the room before I could retort. Unfortunately, he was right though.

I stomped across the carpet and trailed behind him up the stairs to the kitchen. He didn't look the least bit tense as we ascended the stairs to possibly ruin our entire plan.

"Well look who it is. Hi Sammy Pie," a female voice cooed from the other side of the room.

Sammy Pie?

"Shut up Catherine," Sam grumbled as he stopped at the top of the stairs to regard his sister. Sam's usual snappiness was nowhere to be found so he obviously didn't mean his words harshly towards his older sibling.

Catherine only laughed in good humor in response. "What are you up to down there?"

I felt like this was my cue so I gave Sam's side a light poke to remind him of my presence. He swung his head back and stepped to the side to make room for me. I edged out from behind him and came face to face with Catherine Reeves. Good looks seemed to run in the family.

Catherine had light brown hair and hazel colored eyes that were large and inviting. Her slim frame was clothed in a pair of casual jeans and a loose white blouse that hung off her shoulders. She was naturally pretty and wore little makeup on her face. As soon as I made my appearance though, her happy expression went dark as she gave me a once over. A scowl appeared on her features which only sent stomach into flips. What did I do wrong now?

I suddenly felt very uncomfortable standing in front of this girl in my running shorts, t-shirt and braided hair. I pushed my glasses farther up my nose as a nervous habit, wishing she would stop sizing me up.

"I guess I should've been asking who you were doing," Catherine sneered. "Not your usual type Sammy." She once again critcized my attire with a questioning eyebrow. It was obvious that Catherine was very familiar with her younger brother's reputation at school with the ladies and it didn't seem like she was the least bit okay with it.

I practically choked at her words and went into a coughing fit that left me with my hands on my knees, begging for air. 

"Not even close. Lu is helping me with my calculus homework and is accompanying me on the piano to practice for an upcoming pageant," Sam explained, huffily. He even went as far as taking a step away from me in disgust. Always the charmer.

I nodded sheepishly after he explained. Catherine's eyes shifted between the two of us suspiciously but finally nodded to signify she believed us after a long look in my direction. "It's about time you took some ownership in your schoolwork," Sam's sister tsked like a mother, completely changing the atmosphere of the room once again and disregarding me.

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