It's the Hair

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"Does this look okay?" Savannah's soft voice called from inside her closet. I raised my head ever so slightly from my sprawled position on Savannah's bed. Her strawberry blonde hair was pin straight and swished around her shoulders as she slid on black converse before stepping out to give me a full look.

Her thin figure was dressed in a pair of cut-off light wash jean shorts and a gold shirt that read "Mountain Brook Football." A green bandana was skillfully tied in her hair like a loose headband. It was a simple outfit but as always, Savannah looked stunning. The short length of her shorts showcased her slim, long legs that any girl would kill for.

"You look great Sav," I complimented, nodding my head approvingly at her appearance.

I had come over to Savannah's house after school to get ready for the Friday night football game: the home opener of the season. Well more for moral support of Savannah as she got ready and I on the other hand, just planned to change my shirt.

In the South, high school football games were incredibly important to the social scene and dressing to impress was just one of the unspoken expectations. In college it was only magnified with girls attending the games in dresses and skirts and guys in khakis and polos, sometimes even blazers. It was the bizarre culture that had been around since my grandparents had gone to school.

"It's not too casual right?" she questioned, looking in her full length mirror.

"Since this is the first football game I've gone to in three years, you probably know better than I do," I said honestly. During my freshman year, my sister and parents (mainly my mother) forced me to attend the first football games of the season to hopefully pull me out of my awkward, shy ways during the first fourteen years of my life. After sitting through three painful hours of a sport I didn't understand on two different Friday nights, I decided that my butt was not being dragged to a single high school sports game again. There was nothing that my sister or Mom could do to persuade me to go after that. Eventually, they stopped asking me if I wanted to tag along and I now have the house empty to myself almost every Friday in the fall. Unfortunately, my streak was coming to an end tonight. I just prayed I wouldn't be as miserable as I was my freshman year.

Savannah rolled her eyes playfully in the mirror and continued smoothing her clothes down. "Your turn!" she squealed after she was satisfied with herself.

All three of my best friends had their own personal styles and cared about clothes like my older sister did. I was the black sheep among them since my personal style was outlined by large t-shirts and jeans. However, since my closet cleanout and update, I would be venturing outside my usual attire.

I groaned even though I knew this was going to happen. Savannah had been just as excited as Caroline and Rosie that I purchased new things to wear and she was dying to go through them. "What'd you bring?" she urged, tugging at the small duffle bag I had packed last minute with some things to change into for the night.

I pulled the zipper aside and let Savannah have at the bag. She was far more excited about this than I was and if it meant I didn't have to unpack the bag's contents, I was perfectly fine with her raid of my clothes. I flipped my braid over shoulder and leaned back heavily into her pillows on the bed. After the comment Thalia made about my hair being out of its usual top knot on Wednesday, I hadn't dare go into public without it being back. Not only would the girl tease and insult me because of it at school, but her comments had ruffled my feathers and left me self conscious about the mane on my head.

Sam proceeded to give me death glares across the hall when he saw I hadn't changed it and the text messages from "Samantha" clogged up my phone. I ignored his persisting texts, not daring to explain to him what happened at the mall on Wednesday. I didn't want to look weak and unable to hold my own in front of him.

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