I See You

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When my eyelids decided to slide open in the morning, I knew immediately I was not in my own bed. My curtains were made of thin material that let the rising sun brighten my room. Instead of being awaken by the usual rays of sun, I was surprised by the darkness of the room. I let my eyes adjust to the dim lighting and took in the unfamiliar shadows of furniture that didn't belong to me. Not only were my surroundings foreign, but the pounding headache that made me want to go back to sleep was a new sensation.

Did I hit my head last night?

I groped around for my phone and finally felt the slim device under my pillow. I tried the power button but the black screen told me my phone had died sometime last night. Not much I could do with a dead phone.

I looked for a place to put it and the first thing that caught my attention was the carefully placed Advil and glass of water on the side table. Someone knew I was going to be waking up with a head splitter. I didn't question popping the pills into my mouth and washing it down with a gulp of water.

It was then I noticed that there was a sticky note left on the night stand for me. It took merely a glance over the handwriting for me to realize where I was.

When you're up, I'm in the basement. No one else is home. Take the meds

I cracked a smile at the final sentence, written in complete Sam fashion. Short and to the point with no room for argument.

I stretched my arms and legs out wide before pushing back the covers. From the distinct smell and the advertisement of a soccer team on the front, I put the pieces together that I was in Sam's clothes. The realization made me blush pink but I liked the way that the size of them made me feel small. I peeked around the room until I remembered where the bathroom was but was still hazy on what had happened last night that led me to staying the night at Sam's.

I decided I would let him jog my memory when I went downstairs, but I needed to address my very full bladder and brush the foul taste out of my mouth. After taking care of business, I found another sticky note next to a packaged toothbrush and tooth paste.

Use this.

Demanding, but he was thoughtful. I went to work brushing my teeth, adding more tooth paste twice to hopefully resolve the atrocious taste in my mouth. I took my reflection in as I worked on brushing my teeth. My face was bare of makeup and my dark hair had returned to its usual curly texture. Having gone to bed with wet hair, the curls were even more frizzy. I ran a loose hand through it in attempt to wrangle the beast on my head. With no hair tie on my wrist, I had to leave the mop of hair down over my shoulders. I don't know why I had such an urge to look presentable when I went downstairs to find Sam, but I racked my hands through my hair until it laid more flat.

Once I was somewhat satisfied, I went back into Sam's room and pulled back his dark curtains to let sunlight flood his walls. I was surprised to find my dress from the previous night was folded on the dresser next to yet another sticky note and a pair of socks.

The tile is cold in the morning. Put these on

My heart about melted as I read his latest message. I once again followed his directions without question and pulled on the crew cut style socks. I glanced around the room to make sure I hadn't missed any more of the little blue sticky notes that Sam had laid out for me to find. Once I was sure I read them all, I exited his room so I could start my trek to the basement.

At the top of the stairs, I almost giggled at the sight of another note.

If you have taken the Advil, drank water, brushed your teeth, and have socks on, you may proceed

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