2am Phone Calls

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I updated! Woohoo!

I hope all of you starting school again have a wonderful second semester and enjoy a little break by reading this brand new chapter. I don't have much for you guys other than crossing my fingers that you like this update. Important stuff in this one ,hehehe.

Read, like, comment, share, fan, etc.

Much love,



"Dude, if you do not get your foot on your side of the car, I will toss you out the window," Drew hissed behind me. 

Jesse only snickered, but a few rustling noises later, he let out a squeal and suddenly the situation wasn't as hilarious to him as before. I dared to take a peek over my shoulder from the passenger seat and found Jesse huddled in his seat as close to his door as possible and Drew with a satisfied smirk playing on his lips. I had no desire to know what had just gone down back there, so I didn't bother asking. 

After school, I met Sam, Jesse, and Drew in the parking lot with my bags to pack in the car. Drew and Sam did most of the actual packing while Jesse stood off to the side attempting to direct traffic. Most of his directives were not helpful whatsoever and only got under the other two boys' skin. When I was sure that Sam was close to throttling him, I had suggested that Jesse and I made a last minute bathroom break before we hit the road. Jesse luckily obliged and chit chatted with me the entire way to the bathroom. 

As irritating as Jesse could be, he was a genuinely nice guy. I was pretty sure that he had figured out that I was not a social butterfly, so he made the point to talk to me individually whenever we were together. He never pushed me to say more than I wanted to, but he did ask lots of questions to keep me talking. He was by far one of the biggest clowns I've ever met, but his frequent corny and usually inappropriate jokes would elicit giggles from me. 

Because all of our bags and supplies for the pageant had to fit in the car, Sam had swapped out his usual black Camaro for a more practical Mercedes Benz SUV with far more room. Although Jesse and Drew had fought tooth and nail for shotgun, somehow I ended up next to Sam in the passenger seat. I had been perfectly content with sitting in the back since I was the smallest person in the car and I had no desire to get in on Jesse and Drew's debate about who deserved the front more. Yet, when it came to load up and leave, both of them climbed in the back without hesitation. When I looked to Sam for some sort of explanation, he only shrugged and got into the driver's seat. 

We had been on the road for an hour now and it seemed like every ten minutes Jesse was up to some sort of shenanigan to bother his backseat buddy. The drive to Rockingham, North Carolina is a little over seven hours long and there was no way that we would be able to make the entire trip without someone being killed if this pattern continued. 

Sam was clutching the steering wheel with white knuckles, obviously irritated with the ruckus going on behind him. His shoulders were tense and the usual scowl was etched on his face. I hated driving with Sam when he was like this. I was considering trying to just shut my eyes and go to sleep, but I don't think I would be able to with the possibility that Jesse could be pushed out of the car at any moment. 

The radio was playing low in the background, so I did the only thing that I knew improved Sam's mood and I grabbed the AUX cord from the center console. Sam gave a glance in my direction to see what I was up to, but didn't say a word when I started plugging in my phone. I scrolled through my playlist and clicked on the first song that caught my eye. Twisting the knob to turn the volume up to drown at Jesse and Drew's bickering, Michael Jackson's "P.Y.T." came through the speakers. 

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