Chapter 35: Battle for the Shikon: prt 1

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Kagome wasted little time in recovering from her initial shock from seeing the evil blade in Naraku's clutches and pulled the bow string of her arrow as far back as she could without breaking it. She let it fly, the tip of the projectile practically exploding with holy light as it cut through the air towards him.

Naraku chuckled as he placed the blade inbetwenn the arrow and himself, metal clashed with metal with a resounding 'clang' as the arrow fell a distance away, the remaining sparks of her Miko power fading rapidly as So'unga sparked with small lightning bolts of red and pink.

Naraku looked momentarilly shocked but it quickly passed as the pink sparks died down, leaving the blade pulsing an evil red. "Well done Kagome, you have grown powerful indeed if your power could phaze So'unga for even a moment."

Kagome gulped, while she had no delusions that she could defeat the power of So'unga outright she expected for at least some of the holly energy she had poured into that attack to have affected Naraku, even slightly, the fact that he was unharmed worried and frightened her greatly.

"Now then, I think its my turn." The spider demon chuckled in cold amusment before he rushed forward intent on running the Miko, who had become the bane of his existence, through.

His blade was stopped just six inches from its target by a bright pink barrier. The two powers met in a luminous display of purple, red and pink. Naraku's twisted smile grew as he saw Kagome fall to her knee's in effort to keep the barrier up, and he hadnt even used one of So'unga's ultimate attacks yet.

Indeed, soon he would kill this Miko and her friends would follow shortly after.


"WIND SCAR!" Inuyasha yelled as yellow streaks of Youkai tore through the landscape, consuming all in its path.

The Inu-Hanyou frantically searched for his friends he had been resting near a tree at the edge of the village when the attack began, catching him completely offguard. He tried to hear them, but the growls and roars of all the low level Youkai prohibited him from doing so and their stench also stopped him from sniffing them out.

So he had to remember where they said they were going to be.

And he had a horrible memory.

"GOD DAMNIT!" He yelled as he hacked another demon in half. "WHY DOES THIS SHIT ALWAYS HAPPEN TO ME!? I AIN'T NO FREAKIN BABYSITTER!" He leapt up high into a tree and leapt once again, about sixty feet above the ground, looking for his allies, He immediately caught sight of Sango and Kirara flying high above the horde of Yokai as Sango threw her Hiraikotsu, taking down twenty to thirty in a single swing.

"SANGO!" He yelled out as loud as he could (which was quite loud by the way) catching her attention.

"Kirara!" At the wordless comand the fire Neko roared and flew towards the plummeting Hanyou, Sango reached down, catching his wrist and pulling him up, onto Kirara's back.

"Wind scar!" He yelled again, obliterating a large number of Yokai trailing behind him.

"We have to find Kagome and Miroku." Sango said to him as she looked over her shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2019 ⏰

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