Chapter 2: Do you meet everyone like this?

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HOLY SHIT! (Ahem) I mean...I appreciate your support. (Bows lowly)

Also to the many people that was wondering if the Kyuubi was free or still inside of Naruto. I'm sorry about the confusion but no Kyuubi is not inside of Naruto anymore. Naruto released him.

if I get something wrong then point it out. I accept all and any help whether it's negative or positive, I appreciate your idea's.

And as for the votes, none VOTED so far so please comment a vote for the pairings.

Anyway lets get on with the story.


Naruto slowly opened his eyes and found himself beneath a treewith a clear sky above him. He would have to guess it was morning if the singing birds and misty air was any indication. "Hmmm, now where have you placed me Midoriko?" He mused to himself.

His eyes slowly rolled upwards and came to the sight of the ancient Goshimboku. 'The tree where Kikyo sealed Inuyasha? Fitting, I suppose.'He thought to himself before slowly picking himself off the ground. "Now if the visions I saw were accurate then I suppose the village should be that-a-way." He said with a mild shrug before walking in the direction he pointed out earlier.

As he approached the village he saw the wet fields and crops forming along the hills and slopes. It was just like the jewel had shown him. So that small hut in the center of the village should be where the old priestess, Kaede lived.

With a shrug he began making his way there. As he passed by, the villagers sent him glances filled with trepidation and even a little fear. Still, he couldn't really blame them much. It probably wasn't often they saw a masked figure in full Anbu armor walking down the road.

So it was no surprise when Kaede and several of the village men were soon gathered infront of the very hut that he went to visit "Well now, is this the welcoming party?" He asked, his voice a lazy drawl.

Kaede stepped forward to speak. "What do ye seek here?" She asked narrowing her single eye at the ninja.

Naruto looked thoughtful for a moment. "Hmmm, I suppose you could call it information."

"We are a simple village. We have no information for a ninja." Kaede replied.

"Ohhh but you do." Naruto stated as he shook his finger with his eyes as upside down U's once again. "About a certain Hanyo, Hoshui, Tajiya and untrained Miko."

Kaede's eyes widened and, with speed no woman her age should possess her bow was in her hands and already pulling back an arrow. As the string was released the projectile flew through the air, heading strait for Naruo's neck.

In a simple side step the boy let the arrow whiz by. "Now was that really necessary?" He chided with the smile still present.

Kaede narrowed her eyes at the blond. "I will not allow you to harm them assassin!" She said with forceful determination and Naruto had to admit that even in her old age the woman was indeed someone one did not want to mess with.

But nevertheless he decided to play this out. "Now now, if they sent me to deal with a Hanyou with a powerful sword and an experienced Demon slayer a Monk with a black void in his hand and a Miko with untrained spiritual powers then I doubt a few villagers and an old woman can handle me." He craned his head to the side to avoid another arrow.

"Young man" Kaede spoke as she notched another arrow "You do not wish to threaten me..." Sha aimed the bow. "That is a very foolish thing to do. I may not be as powerful as my sister but I am indeed more than a match for a common ninja."

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