Chapter 33: Trust

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Here I am again.


Naruto smiled down at the little girl as a bright smile threatened to split her face in two as two perfect clones flanked her.

"Rin did it Naruto-sama!" She laughed delightedly as she jumped up and down. "Rin did it, Rin did it, Rin did it." She chanted skipping circles around him.

Naruto was about to praise her newfound success when a familiar voice spoke up from behind him. "That you did little girl."

He tensed, his eyes going from warm and inviting, to guarded and cold in seconds as he looked over his shoulder to the familiar vixen that had been making many appearances of late.

Rin shyly poked her head out from behind his legs catching sight of the red haired woman she smiled and waved at her. "Hello, pretty lady."

Kyuubi raised an eyebrow but laughed lightly to herself as she walked over to them. She walked around Naruto, sensing his unease as his eyes remained trained on her watching her every movement.

She smiled as she knelt down to be at eyelevel with the little girl. Moving her right claw with tantalizingly slow movements, making sure that Naruto knew what she could do in an instant if she so desired. She was rewarded as she felt him tense and his killer intent rise so it only affected her.

She ruffled the oblivious girls hair affectionately. "Well now aren't you a cute one. What's your name little girl?" She asked kindly, completely ignoring Naruto.

Rin smiled completely and gratefully innocent to the interaction between them. "Rin is Rin pretty lady."

Kyuubi smiled her enlarged fangs catching the little girls attention. "That's a pretty name Rin, if you want you can call me Kyuu, I like pretty lady but it's a little too long for me."

Rin nodded and was about to speak again when Naruto cleared his throat catching her attention. "Rin, I need to talk alone with Kyuu here, why don't you go and see what Totosai's doing."

She looked between them for a moment before she nodded with a happy smile on her face and ran to Totosai's hut where the old man was hopefully working on his sword.

As soon as the little girl was out of earshot Naruto and Kyuubi's gazes slowly turned to eahother her features twisting from a small smile into a wicked grin as his gaze faded from a reassuring smile to a calculative and cold gaze.

"My my Naru-chan, that's very rude, thinking you need to protect little Rin-chan from me?" Her fangs lengthened somewhat.

Naruto's cold pools of ice glared back coldly at her. "What are you up to fox?"

She placed a look of mock hurt on her face. "Why Naru-chan, I'm hurt you'd actually think I was planning something." She let a fanged smirk cross her features again. "What could have ever given you that idea?"

His eyes narrowed. "Stop playing your tricks Fox. You show up, suddenly Sesshomaru's missing, Rin is right in my path and Naraku has somehow become stronger. All this, when you make your reappearance into this world. Some people would call it coincidence, others fate. But I've never believed in either."

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