Chapter 34: Kagome's got problems

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Here I am again.


"391, 392, 393, 394." Naruto paused in the middle of his pushups as two little feet stopped in front of him. He lazily looked up and saw Rin, as she plopped down, crossing her legs infront of him.

"What is Naruto-sama doing?" She asked smiling.

"Training." He replied simply.


Oh god no, he had seen this before in other children. They would continue asking why until you couldn't answer anything else, and even then they'd still keep asking why.

"To get stronger."

She stared blankly for a moment. "But…Naruto-sama is already strong, why get stronger?"

He smiled as he shifted from his push up position onto a sitting position infront of her. "Because Rin, people get stronger when they have something, or more importantly someone they want to protect."

She seemed to brighten up at that. "Ohhh, so who is it that Naruto-sama wants to protect?"

He smiled at her innocent nature and put his hand to his chin as if thinking. "Well, I can tell you about one, she's about, three and a half feet tall, has long black hair, an orange Kimono, likes flowers and a clump of her hair is tied up in a small side ponytail."

Rin looked puzzled for a moment before she looked down at her orange Kimono. She blinked and looked back up at his smiling face before she slowly pointed at herself as if uncertain.

His smile widened before he nodded, and then winced as an ear piercing squeal nearly broke his eardrum before he was glomped by the little bundle of joy.

He laughed lightheartedly before he stood and placed her on the ground "Come on, Rin, lets get something to eat."


It was a few hours later the two found each other eating when Rin squealed again, startling Naruto and Ah-Un from their meals.

"JII-CHAN!" Rin squealed running up to the exhausted looking Totosai.

The old sword smith saw the little ball of sunshine almost as if in slow motion, as she gave a leap that could have put one of Jiraiya's toads to shame.

Totosai barely had time to raise his hands in defense. "NO NO NO WAIT!"


"Jii-chan, you're back, did you get Rin something, huh, huh, huh?" She asked jumping up and down on the very old, very frail, very arthritis suffering demon.

Naruto stood up and walked over, ignoring the small groans that left the old demon's lips in conjunction with each of the girls jumps and leaned over so he could look down at the old swordsmith.

"Sooooooo…." He drawled. "Your back, you said you wouldn't be back for another three days."

The old sword smiths eyes snapped open and he suddenly sprung to his feet dragging Rin with him, somehow she had managed to end up sitting on the old demons head as he stood up fully, how she had gone from his chest to his head Naruto didn't know.

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