Chapter 16: Misplaced hate

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Here I am!


"HIRAIKOTSU!" Sango yelled as she hurled her boomerang weapon at the large bear yokai that was attacking them. The massive weapon soared through the air and with a sickening sound cut through flesh and bone, severing the yokai's left arm.

With a howl of pain and rage the massive bear charged at the Tajiya.

Sango's boomerang came back around just in time for her to use it as a shield as the bear yokai took a swipe at her. Even though the Hiraikotsu took the brunt of the attack she was still sent flying back. With a painful thud her back hit a tree trunk.

She groaned and looked back up just as the bear was prepared to take another swipe at her. Before its claws came down however Inuyasha, in his full red clad glory, leapt at the yokai and with a battle cry its last arm was severed with a swipe from the Tetsusaiga.

The bear yokai howled in pain again before an arrow, bathed in holy purification power flew through the air and hit the demon square in the forehead, turning him to ash.

Inuyasha 'keh'ed' and hefted his sword onto his shoulder. This is getting ridiculous, none of these guys are a decent challenge anymore even with the shards!"

"Such is the skill that comes with proper training Inuyasha." Naruto Spoke as he entered the cleari9ng with Miroku and Kagura, now able to walk, following closely behind him.

While the group still showed a mild unease in her presence it was a step up from the thinly veiled suspicion they had regarded her with for the first few weeks. Her injuries had healed well, yet still, without a proper fan she was nigh useless in a fight. So she hung back most of the time, simply observing the proceedings until they could find a proper fan for her.

It wasn't easy, few fans could harness and focus a demons yoki. Only demon made fans were capable of such a thing and those were extremely rare.

Sango grunted as she picked herself up and groaned at the sight of a cracked Hioraikotsu "Damnit." She cursed under her breath.

Inuyasha heard her curse and turned to her as he sheathed his blade. "What the hell is your problem?" He asked in his usual gruff tone.

Sango glared at him and lifted the Hiraikotsu so he and her companions could get a beter view. "THIS is my problem Inuyasha. Now I have to head back to my village to have it repaired."

Inuyasha growled. "Hell no. It'll take you at least a whole week to go there and come back."

Naruto deciding to appease the situation decided to step in before Sango decided to break Hiraikotsu completely on the hanyou's skull. "Those who fail to prepare, prepare to fail. She has to have her weapon repaired it is better to repair it now than to have it break mid-battle."

Miroku nodded as he gave his consent. "Yes, Inuyasha, Naruto is right. And besides. I must go to the old monk who raised me (Forgot this guy's name) and have him check my wind tunnel to make sure everything is well. I think it may have widened some more since we last visited him."

Inuyasha was about to protest when Kagura spoke. "In my time with Naraku I had found a few fans similar to my own. I kept them hidden incase he ever chose to disarm me. I think I've recovered enough to make the trip."

"Keh, wench, if you think I'm just gonna go and crawl back to Naraku then you've got another thing coming."

Kagura looked incensed at his words. To think that she would ever crawl back to Naraku was an insult in itself.

Naruto held up a hand. "Let her go."

"WHAT!" Inuyasha roared.

"She wont do anything to betray us." He spoke and then turned his head to look at Kagura from the corner of his eyes. "Will you Kagura?" It was a threat, not a question and his blue eyes seemed to pierce her, like a spear through a balloon. She held back a shiver and nodded.

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