(32) Fight For Me

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(Fighting mentioned and described. Song Used: "Fight For Me" from Heathers the Musical)

Anti's POV

Echoed swears bounced off the walls of the school's lobby. A large crowd circling around three thrashing teens. Nothing really new. Two were the school's jocks, Justin and Jeremy, they were football captains almost every single year, and the other was the new kid.

Another punch was thrown, at the new kid, but he dodged, throwing a sharp left hook at Justin. Jeremy charged at him, nearly tackling him but the boy stepped out of the way, causing James to trip. As Jeremy fell, Justin burst up from the floor, moving to throw a left hook back at the new boy. He acted fast, grabbing Justin's hand and shoulder, kneeing him in the crotch, sending him to the ground. The fresh boy looked so nonchalant about the whole scene, tucking his hands into his jacket as he walked away from the two jocks on the floor.

His movements seemed to slow as he turned my direction, and I caught a good look at the new kid, his jaw sharp and eyes a piercing red, giving off that classic bad boy look. His leather jacket and light blue jeans crinkled every time he moved, his shirt defining his abs and chest. His whole body was toned, from his calves to his shoulders, pure masculine muscle, the one thing I carved.

He caught my eye, walking closer. He winked as he passed, heading towards one of the open and operating classrooms. Exhaling, I smoothed out my skirt and tucked my hair back, nerves filling my veins at the idea of that boy seeing me. Let's call him, Mr. No-Name Kid.

"Yo, Anti!" Fingers snapped in front of my eyes, a hand on mine, stopping me from touching my clothes. "Come back to Earth. Let's go, you've got stuff to tell me. I know." My friend, Elliot, grabbed my hand and dragged us out of the halls.

People were filling out from the lobby, into regular classes and study rooms. Elliot took a sharp turn, a tight grip on my hand as he pulled us into the library.

Tugging us to the back corner, Elliot took a seat next to me, pushing me into the place next to him. I stood again, adjusting my skirt to sit correctly.

"Now, spill the tea. You have something, tell me! Spill." He pushed, turning to me and grabbing my hands.

"Who's that new kid? Could he be seen with me? And still, act proud?" I muttered, not focusing on Elliot, my mind flooded with the new boy's eyes. "Who might he be? And could he fight for me?" I muttered again, pacing in front of Elliot.

"Are you reciting musical lyrics." Is what I think I heard, but my eyes caught the movement of the library doors. Guess who walked in... Mr. No-Name Kid.

"Hey, could you hold my hand and carry me through no man's land?" I whispered, a grin plastered on my face. I stared at the new kid, watching as he walked to one of the closer tables. Elliot sighed, his chair screeching as he moved.

"Won't listen to me... let's go talk to the asshole who's unintentionally taken, my friend." He muttered, but Ignored him, sliding into a chair.

"It's fine... If he doesn't agree, but I would fight for him... if he would fight for me." I murmured, staring into space.

I never knew a boy could have this effect on me... Oh well... I love it.

"Hey! Get out of dreamland." Called a familiar voice. Glancing up, I took in Elliot's form and the form next to him. Oh, My. God! I bolted upright, staring at Mr. No-Name Kid. Oh, Elliot is so dead.

"H-Hi. I-I'm Anti." I muttered, standing and holding my hand out. He took it, but instead of shaking my hand, he kissed my knuckles, instead. I could see Elliot smirking, but I couldn't tear my gaze from the New kids' red gaze.

"It's nice to meet you, love. Name's Dark." He, Dark, smirked, letting my hand drop to my side. I turned to Elliot, a stupid and lovestruck smile engraved into my cheeks.

"I'll leave you two alone." Elliot then turned to Dark. He yanked his collar closer to him, eyes cold and face grave as he whispered something to Dark. Dark's face flashed afraid for a moment, then quickly faded but to Bad Boy Calm. He nodded, and Elliot let go of his collar, doing the classic 'I'm watching you' movement. Dark chuckled, turning to me once Elliot was gone.

"So, what now?" He asked, striding around the table and next to me. I flushed shrugging. Dark took my hand, leading us out of the hall and into an unused classroom. As soon as we entered, Dark pushed me against the wall near the door.

"I know you're really into me." Dark whispered into my ear, forearms against the wall next to my torso. We were so close, we were nearly touching. I shivered the smooth tone of Dark's voice and the feel of his breath on my ear.

Why did I love this...?

"You can't even deny it, I know you can't. I even heard you, 'Who's that new kid? Could he be seen with me? And still, act proud?' Maybe I could, what would you do?" He murmured again, pressing himself against me, arms moving down the wall, so they were next to my hips.

My eyes shut on instinct, the heat and pressure of Dark's body was too much. Dark chuckled right next to my ear, the deep rumble in his chest was terrific to feel... but Dark was so intense.

"Come on, baby. Answer my question. What would you do? Would you let them drive us underground? Would you care how far?" Dark's lips pressed against the top of my ear, pressing our hips together. "You can set my broken bones, and I know CPR." He finished arms around my waist and lips staying near my ear.

"Well... whoa, you could p-punch real good. Y-you lasted longer than I thought you would. So hey, Mr. No-Name Kid, if some n-night you're f-free, wanna fight for m-me." I muttered, Dark's gentle breathing hitched, and his body pressed against mine harder.

"If you're still alive after today, I would fight for you. If you would fight for me." I ended, eyes still clenched tightly. I can't believe I said all of that to the hottest man I've ever seen. What the hell is wrong with me?!

"I would fight for you." Dark whispers, a surprising slight tremble in his voice. Dark pulled his head from my neck, fingering the spiked-collar around my throat, one hand cupping my face. Another one of his fingers brushed my bottom lip, smearing my dark lipstick.

"And I would fight for you," I replied, pushing forward and connecting our lips, feeling Dark's arm immediately slip around my waist. It was quick, and when we pulled away, we both whispered at the same time;

"I'd be proud to be seen with you."


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