(27) Let Me Help You

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Anti's POV

"Hey, Ms. Williams. You're looking quite pretty today. You should wear a dress someday, bet you'll look very pretty then too!" Mr. Nelson snickered, the other teachers around him laughing with him. I sighed, wrapping my arms around myself, rubbing my arms as I headed over to my classroom.

The constant laughing and jeering from students and teachers was unbearable; all the teacher knew the scenario I was in, so why do they make it worse? They nag and torment me, verbally bully me, and no one seems to care about how I feel.

"Hello, Mr. Williams! I love your outfit!" One of my students, Ruth, greeted me. I smile in return, trying to make it real for him no matter how much I know it's not true. Heading over to my desk and quickly throwing a baggy sweater over my shirt, a feeling of relief swept over me.

A couple of students snickered, glancing over to them, they were whispering, pointing and looking over at me. I sighed, trying to ignore them and getting back to work.

"Alright, class! I'm going to be handing out an assignment; you can work together, but not too loud." I announced, picking up a stack of papers and walking down the isles.

"Thanks, miss." One of the popular boys snickered as I walked by. Shakily breathing, I continued to hand out the papers. With the last few falling on the desks, I walked back over to my office, a hand grazing the back of my thigh. I jumped, whipping around and staring red-faced at my student. He smirked at me.

"T-to the office, r-right now," I commented, voice wavering from a deep-rooted uncomfortable feeling. The Student smirk widened, and he quickly stepped up, touching my thigh again before he left.

I quickly pulled down my sweater over my hips, at least as best as I could. More of the teens snickered, tears bubbled at my eyes. I was quickly rushing to the desk to sit down, trying to distract my mind with my work.

"Mr. Williams? Are you alright?" came a soft voice from in front of my desk. It was Ruth again, his voice soft and sweet. I nodded, slowly starting to shake my head as I stared down.

"R-ruth, can you do me a favour?" He nodded quickly, "Keep working but try to keep the noise level down; I need to leave for a minute or two." He nodded, and I thanked him, leaving the room quickly, my sweater still over my hips.

I headed into the staff room, hoping no one was there. Since no one was, I quickly sat down and trying to breathe slowly. I can't believe one of my students did that! The feeling was so uncomfortable! Like a worm digging into my skin and moving around, why would he do that!?

"Why can't I make enough money!" I softly cried, head in hands as I stared down at the floor, trying to ignore the curves of my chest. "I need to calm down and head back to class. Breath, Anti...Breath..." I sighed, massaging my temples, then slowly standing up. I headed to the door, looking down as I walked, a wrong decision since I immediately ran into someone.

"Whoa! Oh, I-I'm sorry!" The deep voice stammered, their hand reaching down to help me up. I placed my hand in theirs, being pulled up.

"T-thanks, sorry for running into you," I whispered, glancing at their face, quickly realizing who it was. Dark Edward, a gorgeous teacher, body toned and built, standing only a little taller than me. His face was chiselled with smooth curves and his eyes a deep molten red. Why does he have to be so kind and handsome at the same time? Are you trying to get me to like you?

"Hey, are you alright? You look like you've been crying." He commented, snapping me out of my thoughts. I sighed, looking away from him, then back with an attempt at a convincing smile. He slightly winced, proving it wasn't sufficient. I knew I wasn't okay, but I didn't want to talk, especially to him.

"I-I'm fine. Now, I need to go back to my class. Thanks and sorry for running into you, Mr. Fishbach." I stammered, rushing away from him and out of the room back to class, running my sleeves under my eyes to remove the slight streaks. Dark was calling my name from behind me, but I didn't want to talk right now, I needed to get back to class.


"Alright, have a good rest of your day class!" I called, watching as my students left, trying to ignore the smirks and long looks, but smiling back at the kind looks and smiles. As they filed out, I noticed Dark standing at my door, letting the teens go through.

Once they left, he came in. "Hey, Anti. Is it alright if we could talk about this morning?" He questioned, placing his hands on my desk and looking down at me. Sighing I looked away from him, willing myself to take his help and tell him something, but still, I don't think I can. "Stand up, please." He softly commanded, I followed, standing behind my desk and looking down. Walking around my office, he stepped in front of me, gentle setting his hands on my shoulders and turning me to face him. He stepped forward again and wrapped me in a hug.

As soon as he did, a fuzzy feeling flooded through me, and I collapsed into him, softly crying into his shoulder as he held me. He rubbed soft circles into my back, whispering kind words into my ear. He was warm, and I felt whole as he held me. He was durable and soft at the same time, strong enough to hold my broken, everything together but gentle sufficient to mend me together slowly.

He was the colour my dark and cloudy world needed, the heat my icy world required. I squeezed his body against mine, wanting to feel his warmth.

"I... I think I need you..." I whispered, my cries stopping, but my tears were still falling. "Please... I need y-you and your help." I whispered again, pulling away from him, but allowing his hands to stay around me, and I stared him in the eyes.

"I'll gladly help you, darling. Anytime, anywhere, I'll be there for you." He replied, pulling me back into him and pressing our foreheads together. "I'll always be there for you, no matter what. No. Matter. What." He finished, interlocking the fingers of our held hands. 


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