Chapter 52 // Jesse

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[London, United Kingdom]

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[London, United Kingdom]

"You want to go on the London Eye?" Lewis asked me, attempting to instil some enthusiasm into me.

My stomach churned at the knowledge that Chantelle wanted to ride on the London Eye with me when we would have eventually wound up in England for my tour. And now that it was my birthday in two days... I was unsure how that was going to be celebrated. Twenty-three wasn't a milestone birthday or anything, but any birthday with Chantelle by my side was special. Without her, I had no idea what was going to happen. I didn't have a concert booked for that evening so we'd probably just venture out into Birmingham as we'd be in that city.

"Nah, I'm okay to chill," I replied. "You can go on out though."

Lewis raised an eyebrow at me before perching on the edge of the bed. "Okay, spill. What's on your mind? You've been distracted since we landed. I mean, it rains a shit ton here but the weather's never bothered you before."

"Do you think Chantelle's moving on?" I asked abruptly, knowing he was going to extract it from me either way so I may as well just blurt it out. "You've seen those photos of her and some "mystery guy"." The guy was nameless according to the Internet (he'd not been found on social media just yet) but he and Chantelle seemed to be getting on well and laughing when they've been spotted together.

He placed a hand on my shoulder. "I believe she's just living her life right now. I also believe that the media shit-stir to create reactions from readers and other celebrities connected to them."

Before I could respond, there was a knock at the hotel door. Lewis offered me a smile before crossing the room to open it, revealing Angela, my agent. She was holding her phone by her side and grinning at the both of us.

"The two people I needed to see," she announced. "I've set up a meeting for you," Angela announced, pointing directly at me. "I say meeting but what I really mean is playdate."

Lewis chuckled. "He's a bit old for them, isn't he?"

Now that Pauline had been fired, Angela had been taking on more of the publicity side of things. She was working as my agent and my publicist given that I didn't have the time to interview new members of staff as I was touring around the world.

"Have you heard of the British supermodel Tatiana Shone? She's had deals with Calvin Klein, she's walked for Victoria's Secret, she's worked with skincare companies... she's well established. I thought the two of you could meet and talk and trade stories. She's recently come out of a breakup too, if you didn't know. She was with him for three years. In short, he publicly cheated."

This situation reminded me too much of Pauline's contract she made me sign to fake date Kennedy. Angela seemed to read minds because she hastily quelled that doubt I had brewing.

"I promise, there's no contract. There's no obligation. I just thought the two of you could get coffee. I've been in contact with her team. She's actually a really big fan of you, Jesse. She's posted various photos and Tweeted things in the past relating to your music and whatnot. You have every right to disagree and choose not to do this. I know how it will appear in the media, but a friendship like this may be what you need for the future."

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