Chapter 13 // Chantelle

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[PRESENT DAY][Blumont]

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Jesse's album had been in the works for seven months amid other projects.

Honestly, it had been a turbulent seven months prior to the release a month ago. Having to listen to his sordid details with his previous ex-girlfriend and then watching how our relationship was being questioned upon the release of his album were not my favourable times, I'd have to confess. But I loved Jesse. We've been together eight months now, still going strong since that night at that dinner, two months before we had to renew our contracts.

I was standing by my man. And I had no qualms with any of his new music.

For the most part, anyway. But I wasn't about to warrant that opinion to be released. I was going to keep that my secret.

"You sure you got everything, Disney?" Lewis asked me, a grin curving at his lips.

I'd been picked up at my apartment, the tour buses parked haphazardly in the parking lot behind the apartment block which many residents didn't utilise, so all the busses fitted easily. I insisted I could have gotten a cab to an agreed location for a smoother process and better efficiency, but Lewis and Jesse were adamant to pick me up, announcing it was one of the last bits of luxury I would face prior to the tour commencing.

As much as I was excited to experience tour life, I possessed my worries. So many celebrities venture on tour for long periods of time only to cancel several dates at the end due to exhaustion and unhealthy mentality states. I didn't want that to happen to Jesse. I cared for him way too much. All I could do was watch from the side-lines.

His album, titled Wrong Side Of You, had gone straight to number one in over eighty-nine countries. Other celebrities were raving about it on their Twitter profiles, posting pictures of a phone screenshot to say they had also bought his album and were listening to his songs. That promoted his album further. Even Natasha had bought his album the minute it went up for sale on iTunes and plays it regularly, though she's been sensitive enough not to dissect lyrics with me. Aside from the theme of Jesse's album, it showcased his singing talent better than his previous albums. He'd retained the pop-based theme with a few acoustic songs in there in the mix too. One acoustic song had been especially powerful which was called "We Keep Hurting Each Other" and it exposed the nitty-gritty details of his and Kennedy's relationship.

Kennedy was yet to comment on Jesse's album, though by this point, I didn't think she would. It had been a whole month since the album had been released, and during the seven months when it was in the production stage, Jesse had hinted at the theme of the album via various interviews.

"I think so," I responded to Lewis, mentally going through my checklist of what I could remember I'd packed.

Emma, Dad and Avery were standing just behind me as I watched my luggage be transported onto the large tour bus that Jesse and I would be sharing (and any guests we wanted). The second tour bus would be for the team (including Tyler and other bodyguards Jesse had to hire) and half of the band, and the third for the other half of the band and the dancers. Regularly we would be staying in hotels, however. Jesse was officially starting tour life and as his official photographer and camerawoman (not to mention girlfriend) I would be accompanying him on this life-changing experience.

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