Chapter 07 // Chantelle

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[BEFORE - 1 Year and 3 Months Ago]

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[BEFORE - 1 Year and 3 Months Ago]

Seven months of toxicity was starting to take its toll on Jesse.

"On in ten," a stocky man announced, stepping into Jesse's dressing room with a small headset on. He waited for a nod back from Jesse before making his his way down the corridor again, presumably to the stage to ensure everything was in order for the interview which would commence in ten minutes, as he said.

"They're going to ask you questions about Kennedy," Lewis declared carefully considering Jesse and Kennedy were currently broken up. "Just remember to stay calm. Just deem it a conflict of schedules. That's usually lingo for something-else-entirely-fucked-is-going-on-but-I-don't-want-to-announce-it-to-everyone."

Honestly, after the first three or four breakups between Jesse and Kennedy, I'd lost count at what number breakup this was. We must be at five now, perhaps even six. Whereas Jesse used to be upset, now he was consistently agitated and on edge, snapping at someone over the simple things which is why I was hanging back in the shadows. Last night he had called me asking me to be there for him at this interview for some source of normalcy and comfort, but this morning when I turned up to the studio with a beaming smile at six am (we had to travel two hours on a coach for this), he growled, "Why are you so fucking happy?"

I had been rendered silent pretty much since, leaving all the awkward and perilous territory to Lewis. Even Tyler, Jesse's bodyguard, knew to keep his distance right now.

The truth about Jesse and Kennedy's relationship was, as he had confided in me, that Kennedy was jealous of Jesse spending so much time with me, but Jesse was also jealous of Kennedy spending her free time with a guy who she claims has been her "best friend for eight years". It didn't help that Jesse searches up Kennedy's name online to find the search results are littered with photos of Kennedy and her best friend being so touchy and affectionate, creating the rumours that they're hooking up behind Jesse's back. She has incessantly denied the allegations, but the rumours create such a media storm that none of the media will print her denied claims and those that will always make sure to produce the suspicion of her lying in the reader's mind with substantial evidence, ending the articles with variations of "are you sure about that, Kennedy?" in reference to her denial.

"Got it," Jesse replied to Lewis, sighing.

His cheeks were pale from being so tired, despite the makeup artists' efforts. He was donning black jeans, boots and a sleeveless buttoned-shirt to display his biceps which had grown since I first met him. He told me one day he goes to the gym more often now to release his frustrations, hence the well-built body and abs I've spied more frequently than I'd care to admit to him. Or anyone, actually.

Lewis patted him on his shoulder. "You ready to head backstage then?"

He glanced uneasily at me. "I just need a word with Chantelle first. I'll be two minutes."

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