faking it- steve rogers (part 1)

Start from the beginning

"Awwww," Wanda and Natasha cooed, placing hands over their hearts as they let out dreamy sighs.

"Aye, gramps is finally getting some!" Sam whooped, and you shot a death glare in his direction.

"Shut up before I castrate you," you snapped.



Over the course of those three months Steve's hugs began to linger a bit longer than normal, and on several occasions, held your hand without noticing that nobody was watching. He'd hold you in his arms as you watched movies together without realizing what he was doing, or would put his hand on your knee under the table during meals with the team instinctively.

You hated yourself for being so observant, but his actions were rather hard for you to ignore. It was hard not to ignore the way you felt, though.

You liked it. You liked this feeling he gave you, and the fact that you were enjoying it and were starting to grow attached scared you.

You tried to shake off the lingering thoughts and focus on something else. You weren't supposed to develop real feelings. This was only a fake relationship with the sole purpose of convincing the others you were actually together to throw them off your tail.

To fall for him would be going against all the established rules that came along with fake dating.

But you couldn't help but fall for him.

It felt wrong. You knew what you were doing was wrong, but you just couldn't seem to let the concept of giving up on him go.

Still, you couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen and that you only had a matter of time to confess before time ran out. That was how things always played out, from what you knew about falling for somebody at the wrong time.

You might as well have been right, because right at the moment you were thinking that, Nick's booming voice came over the intercom, demanding that you 'hurry up and get your superhero asses down here' for debriefing on a mission.

Letting out an exhausted sigh, you ran a hand through your hair and made your way down to the meeting room.

Steve noticed the tension in your shoulders and grabbed your hand again as you stepped back into the elevator, rubbing soothing circles across your palm.

It would've calmed you more if you knew that this wasn't all just an act.


"All of you will be flown out tomorrow evening to Prague," Fury cleared his throat as he put his hands behind his back and paced back and forth, meeting everyone's gaze one by one as you all sat around the glass table. "You'll arrive there a day early to settle in and get some rest, and to get a head start on the infiltration of the HYDRA base. There's data on their computers that must be destroyed. Now, tomorrow when you arrive at your hotel, there should be a SHIELD representative waiting with the flashdrive and codes to log in. Have someone hold onto those items until you arrive at the base and make sure not to lose them, as they'll be critical to retrieving the info. Any questions?"

"Sir," you raised a hand in the air, "what data exactly is on the computers that we need to destroy?"

"Blueprints," he responded, "of designs for new missiles which are being planned to be launched a week from tomorrow afternoon. Now if anyone doesn't have any other questions, we'll be moving onto the groups for this mission."

Everyone nodded, and he continued on. "Group 1 will Thor, Vision, both Maximoffs, and Banner. Romanoff, Peter, Y/N, Barton, group 2. Wilson, Barnes, Rogers, Stark, Rhodes, group 3. Does everyone understand what they are doing?"

"Yes, sir," everyone said in one voice.

"Very well, then. You are dismissed. Get packing and meet at the hangary bay by 4 p.m. sharp tomorrow."


The flight wasn't very long as the Quinjet was almost four times faster than the fastest commercial plane there was, getting you to the Czech Republic in just two hours. Once you arrived at your hotel, there was a SHIELD representative with your hotel room keys, the flash drive, and the computer codes waiting for you at the front entrance.

"I'm Agent 22, if you need anything, feel free to contact me," the man informed you. "I'll be in Vienna by tomorrow afternoon."

"Thank you very much," Natasha thanked the agent as he left, and she took the flash drive and codes, along with the hotel room keys.

"So, the sleeping arrangements," Tony finally said, taking the room keys from Natasha and counting them one by one. "There's fourteen of us, and seven rooms, so we'll be doing two people per room. Pair up with someone, settle into your room, and meet down here for breakfast, suited up by 9 am."

The chatter resumed as everyone paired up, and because you and Steve were supposedly together, you wound up sharing a suite with him. You let out a tired sigh as you made your way to your room, set your duffel bags down by the front in the mini kitchen, and he did as well.

"So," the super-soldier looked between you, then the queen-sized bed in front of the two of you. For a big room, the bed was surprisingly small, much smaller than you'd expected. And it was just one bed. "How are we going to do this?"

"The couch isn't pull-out, either, so..." you thought for a moment, placing your hands on your hips, "so please try not to push me off in your sleep tonight. Alright?"

"Yes, ma'am," he mock-saluted you.

It was nearing one in the morning and you desperately wished for some sleep, lazily crawling into bed after brushing your teeth, not even bothering to change out of your sweatshirt and simply switching your jeans to sweatpants.

You didn't know when Steve crawled in next to you, but you could feel his warm breath on the curve of your neck because the bed was so small and there was only a few inches separating you and preventing the two of you from practically cuddling.

Your heartbeat picked up speed at the mere thought of it.

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