Chapter 26

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Why did life have to be complicated?

    I mean, my life wasn't absolutely horrible, but some days made me question what the point of anything was.

    This was one of those days.

    It's been a week since Poseidon got back. I hadn't spoken to either him or Annabeth since the incident at her place. I had no idea where he was staying, but I didn't care enough to know.

  It all made sense now. I thought of Annabeth's reaction at the New Year's Party when I told her about him. I recognized guilt in her eyes but never thought anything about it. That whole night felt like a million years ago...

    "Percy?" Jason asked for probably the millionth time today. I swiftly shook my head, attempting to bounce out of my daze. My sight finally focused, and I realized that we were sitting at our usual table in the corner of the large lunchroom. Hundreds of students were milling about the cafeteria, trying to catch a break from the hell that was learning.

    "Sorry, what?" I asked, blinking hard. The guys around gave me concerned looks with raised eyebrows at my confused expression.

    "I was asking if everyone wanted to come over tonight. We can do the usual," Jason repeated. He shoved his wiry glasses up on his nose that were starting to fall off of his face. Jason finally bought a pair of glasses a few days ago when he got hit with a brick in gym class. How? I wasn't really sure how he got hit with one, but it did enough damage to send him to the emergency room. He came out with no injuries, but a serious case of "four eyes."

    "Yeah, sure," I mumbled absentmindedly. Despite my greatest efforts, I couldn't seem to focus on one thing for more than 10 seconds. My mind felt scattered and incomplete. I blamed it on my ADHD, but I was fairly certain I wasn't fooling anyone about the reason why I had been so distant recently.

    Suddenly, the dismissal bell rang and everyone stood up to leave for the next class of the day. For me, it was gym class. With one last glance at my table, I bolted out of the cafeteria to avoid any more questions from the guys. The last glimpse I got was of Frank, Jason, and Nico watching me, full of concern, while Leo sat tinkering with a creation he made out of milk cartons.


    "Hey, honey," my mom called out absentmindedly as I entered our apartment after school. She was writing her book on her large laptop on the kitchen counter, fiercely typing away. "How was it today? Did you talk to Annabeth?"

    I groaned at my mom's sudden interrogation. All I ever heard about this week was Annabeth. My mom loved that girl. "Mom, seriously. I might talk to her later or something."

    "I just don't want you losing that girl over- over... your dad," she spat out the last words after stumbling over the first half. She finally turned away from her computer and looked at me over her slim reading glasses.

After a week of my father being back, they still haven't spoken. No one expected my mom to talk to that dick after what he did to her. I didn't see how my dad could fix what he broke so many years back.

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