"Come on I bet that's the McRoy family." I said to Luci. We walked out of the cabin and saw the McRoy family coming up the path. Luci and I walked over to our wagon. 

"Gilbert, why are we leaving now, when the Sunday Social don't start until noon." David McRoy asked me. 

"We have business in town and your own wife told you that and what did Meadow tell you McRoy?" I asked him. 

"Yeah yeah yeah okay. I just hate going into town." David said to me. 

"David, please the boys and I haven't been to town in almost a year. So either you shut up or walk home and the boys and I will go to town and we may or may not come home tonight." Meadow said to McRoy. I looked down at Luci who was trying not to laugh. 

"We are going ain't we woman." David said to Meadow. 

"Thank you." Meadow said to David. 

"Y'all are ready." I asked the boys. I was helping Luci into the wagon. Minnie was already in her spot. It goes me, Luci then Minnie. 

"Yeah pa gave us each $1.00 to do what we want uncle Brantley." Carter told me. I smiled at them.

"That's great buddy. Listen we still have a long way down the mountain you boys ready." I asked them. 

"Yes." They all said to me. I smiled at them. 

"We will follow you and Luci." McRoy told me. I smiled at them. 

"Sounds good. Once we get to town we are making a few stops." I told him. 

"That's fine Meadow want's to go to Olsen Store." McRoy told me. 

"Good luck with Harriet." I told them. I jumped into the wagon. 

"Thanks we will need that. Meet you at the church." McRoy asked me. 

"We will be there with bells on." I told him. 

"Ha!" I said to the horse team. They moved us down the path down to the small town at the bottom of the mountain. If I wasn't married to Luci there is no way I would be going to the Church Social. It's just not my thing to do. 

All the way down the mountain Luci and I talked about what we are going to do? Who we are going to run into. Listening to music and the good food we will be having. But the first thing we are doing is seeing Doc, then going to pick up Logan. We was almost at the bottom of the mountain when Minnie jumped off and took a shit. I stopped the team. 

"Whoa!" I said to them. McRoy parked next to us. 

"Sorry damn dog needed to take a shit." I told them. Luci slapped me on my arms. I looked down at the small woman next to me, and I gave her a smile. I love our relationship. I talk like I'm a bad ass and she just looks at me with her bright blue eyes and I fall on my knees for her. 

"It's all good. We still have a good 45 minutes before the show." McRoy told me. 

"Come on Minnie!" I yelled for her. 

"I forgot how much I love being in town." Meadow told us. 

"I love the mountain but I'm with you on that one Meadow." Luci said to her best friend. McRoy and I just looked at each other. 

"Come on dog we got places to be." I said to my dog. Minnie looked at me and barked. She jumped back up on the wagon and we drove to town. Everyone did a great job. The whole town looks good. I looked down at Luci who was smiling rubbing her belly. I could just look at her for the rest of my life. So glad that I get too. 

"Ready see Doc." I asked her. Luci looked up at me. 

"Yes I am. Should we remind David and Meadow. We are still going to pick up Logan right after we leave doc's office." Luci asked me. 

The will of the Gilbert's (An Brantley Gilbert Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now