Chapter 7, Part 2

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"I hope I don't have to tell you all this," Marshall declared from the front of the hall at breakfast one morning. "But it's been almost three weeks and you are all getting used to being pretty free with your wolf forms. Tonight is the first big Midsummer feast. It's at one of the kin camps and there will be a lot of kin there. You need to be discreet. Not all of them know about us. Got that?"

All around the room people were nodding.

"Hey, Amanda," Olivia called from the senior table, "be sure and don't transform tonight." There was a smattering of laughter.

"Oh, a great one," Tanner called out with a sarcastic sneer. "Really original."

"Yeah, but Brianna can transform all she wants. They'll just think Connor has a pet," Brooke threw in. Brianna blushed but didn't answer.

"Ignore them," Connor commanded.

There was no training that day. The kin camp was a long hike from wolf camp and they would be staying overnight. They spent the morning packing overnight bags and set off before noon. Even so, it was nearly four when they arrived at the kin camp. They were led to a campground just outside the camp proper. This area was mostly wolves. They had been given an assigned spot next to Aaron and his pack. Tanner's parents were on the other side.

Arthur Sage and his pack were across the road from them. Amanda couldn't tell if that was for Jonathan's sake, so he could be with his family as well as his pack, or if Arthur and Aaron were already starting their stare off in anticipation of the challenge at the end of the summer. It seemed to be a bit of both. Robbie, Arthur's omega, came over and greeted Jonathan warmly. But Aaron and Arthur shared little more than the occasional cold look.

Arthur had two other packs with him, his daughters. Amanda had been told that they were both alpha's in their packs and their packs were close to Arthur as a result. The older of two looked like Arthur's daughter, the second daughter seemed to take after her mother, who was a weathered woman with dark brown hair and a stooped posture as though beaten down by her life. Hadn't someone also told her that Jonathan had three sisters? Or had she misheard?

The feast began around five-thirty. They barely had time to make camp before they were following the long line of people into the main clearing where the midsummer festival would occur. The clearing was at least twice the size of a football field and packed with people. Amanda guessed there were over a thousand people all told.

There was a huge area devoted to grills. It was boxed in by long tables filled with a variety of foods. There was a small craft fair going on in one corner of the field and towards the back was an open area. The elders had various demonstrations and activities planned there. Currently, a small group of people were putting on a Karate demonstration.

Amanda smiled and nudged Connor. "This reminds me of a pagan festival," she said, "only with normal people."

"Normal people?" Erica said. "These are werewolves and kin. How is that normal?"

Amanda put her arm around Erica's shoulder and pulled her in close. "Okay, so you've met Uncle Darren, Jay, Courtney and now Hannah. Look over this crowd and imagine a thousand people like that in one place."

Erica laughed. "I see your point. How do you think they are doing anyway? Jay and Courtney, I mean."

"Yeah, cause we don't have to ask about Hannah since you got another letter already," Brianna said.

"Shut up," Erica replied.

Amanda shrugged. She thought of Jay and Courtney almost every day. She had had one letter so far. It hadn't said much other than they were fine.

Moments later, Erica spied her mom and shouted a quick farewell to the pack before darting off. Amanda watched the two hug. She saw Erica's kid brother beside her mom but Erica's dad was conspicuously absent. Brianna left next for her parents.

As Amanda watched her blond hair bounce through the crowd, she saw another familiar figure. Uncle Darren towered over the crowd, which parted for him. On his right was Aunt Theresa and in between, them was her brother Hunter. Amanda felt a warm glow spread through her at the sight of them. She broke from Connor and dashed into their waiting arms.

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