Chapter 13, part 2

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The drive back to the camp was uneventful. They got drive-through fast food again. After ten days of camp food, the processed junk food was heaven sent. Tanner ordered two burgers and Brianna, extra fries. When the adults started talking and stopped paying attention, the bag was quietly unzipped and a burger and fries placed within.

They made one pit stop. Brianna took the duffel bag with her, and she slipped around the edge of the rest stop when the adults weren't looking. Amanda gave the adults one quick glance and then followed.

Brianna set the bag on the ground and unzipped it. "Hurry and do your business," she hissed. Two forms shot out of the bag and into the bushes.

"You know, they will have to be super careful, and stay in animal form, for most of the time they are at the camp, if they don't want to be discovered," Amanda cautioned.

Jay answered in an irritated chitter. They knew, this had already been discussed, the noise told her. Within in minutes they were back in the duffel. Amanda carried them this time, so that Brianna could go take care of her business as well. Tanner took a long time in the restroom as a distraction, so they had time to attend both their needs and the otters.

The adults dropped drove them up the narrow service road they used to bring food and supplies into the camp directly. Amanda wondered at this. Was this meant as a nicety, or an indication of how fast they wanted to get home?

Whatever the reason, it made their smuggling job that much easier. Brianna quietly excused herself while the others unloaded their packs. The adults barely noticed her disappearance. She was back without the duffel bag a few minutes later, and helped them finished unloading.

The otters were still inspecting the cabin in animal form when the pack returned with their gear. They dropped it in a pile in the centre of the room and sprawled out on their beds.

"This place is awesome," Jay said as he transformed. He found a pair of shorts and a T-shirt from Brianna's dresser and pulled them on.

Courtney transformed and stood beside Jay for a moment. "It feels like it's been forever that we've been travelling in animal form. I had almost forgotten the whole concept of gender and presentation. Hmm, I think I feel more like Corey right now."

"Say no more," Tanner said, throwing a pair of gray sweats and a Green Bay Packers T-shirt at him.

"Thanks, bro." Corey said as he dressed.

"I don't know where you guys are going to sleep," Connor commented. "We don't have any extra bunks."

"I've got some extra blankets and stuff," Brianna said. She went to a shelf in the corner and came back with two folded blankets.

Jay accepted the blankets on his outstretched arms. "I know exactly where we will sleep," he said. He knelt beside Brianna's bed and pulled the covers up. He began to arrange the blankets on the floor underneath the bed.

"You want to sleep underneath her bed?" Connor asked.

"In otter form," Corey said, joining Jay and helping him arrange the blankets. "It's the safest thing, there will be less chance of a surprise visitor discovering us."

"And we are plenty comfortable that way," Jay said. "Finally, we found a loose vent behind her bed. We can escape to the outside in animal form if we need to. Or even if we just want to slip into the woods to hunt or something."

"Yeah," Erica said, "and we'll bring extra food every meal, like we said. We've got junk food and stuff here, so you won't starve. It will be fun having you guys around."

"I still have some reservations about this," Amanda said. "It's risky having you guys right in the middle of the Leidulf's camp without the elders knowing."

"I know," Connor said, "but they aren't enemies. If they get caught, I will stand up for them on that ground. They are our friends, and they have no enemies here."

"Yeah, but with all the stuff going on with the Sons of Garm," Jonathan began.

"This is completely different," Connor insisted. "Otters aren't some other wolf tribe seeking a treaty, nor has any of their tribe ever done a single aggressive thing to anyone. There is no reason for the elder's to object."

"But what if something happens with the Sons of Garm," Amanda said to Jay, "your parents..."

"Are our problem," Corey interrupted. "They don't want to get involved with wolves, then fine, they don't have to. We are considered adults now, we can make our own decisions."

Amanda sighed and let it go. "It will be nice having you here, especially when they are away in wolf form," she admitted.

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