Chapter 5, part 4

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"You okay there, Buddy?" Tanner called out. Amanda turned to where he was looking. They were coming around the bathhouse. Kitty corner, across from their cabin, was the empty - now mostly empty, cabin. On the front porch sat a young man in jeans and a flannel shirt. He was a scrawny boy with dark hair. His name was Marcus and they had brought him back from the knockdown less than a week ago.

He just shrugged and rose from his bench. He stood on the edge of his porch and watched them closely, both hands shoved in his pockets.

"It's okay," Erica said, "you can come over for a while."

"Thanks," he said as he came over. "It's just," he paused and looked away. "It's a little overwhelming, you know."

Erica laughed, "yeah, I remember." She punched Brianna's shoulder lightly. "Don't give him that look," she said. "I remember the look on your face when you came in that first morning. You were practically shaking like a leaf."

"Was not," Brianna muttered. To Marcus she said. "It was a shock. I am not saying that."

"It was for everyone," Connor said. He gestured at Marcus to sit. "We all went through it."

Marcus sat. He looked calmer. "Yeah, I mean I always knew there was something a little odd about my family. I mean, six adults sharing a farm? They tell everyone they are part of an intentional community, like a commune. I believed that, too. Then suddenly something weird is happening one night. I can hear the wolves and I just have to go look for them. I can't remember much else, just waking up in a pile of people, all laughing and congratulating me. I am like 'for what?' which only made them laugh harder."

"Have you transformed since?" Amanda asked.

"Yeah," he said. "Marshall's been working with me, plus Mom and Dad are camped up at the elder's camp. They come down almost daily. They all help me practice. I am starting to remember and to have some control and that's pretty cool."

"Oh yeah," Tanner said. "Once you get the hang of it, it's a real blast."

"I'll bet," Marcus said. He shrugged again and looked away, "but you guys have each other at least."

"Is that it?" Tanner said with a laugh. "You're lonely?"

Marcus shrugged again.

"Don't worry none about that," Tanner told him. "Other's will start converting any day now. By summer's end, you will be part of a pack, too. A big noisy pack. Heck, you might even be annoying someone by being around constantly," Tanner finished with a sly look at Amanda.

Amanda kicked his shin. "Shut up," she said. She leaned against Connor, wrapping her arms around his chest. "I am getting used to it. It just doesn't come as natural to me."

"And then?" Marcus asked hesitantly.

"That just depends," Connor said. "On who converts and who is alpha. They foster you to an adult pack for training. Since your parents are wolves there is always a chance you will go home to them with your new pack. Or you might be going to one of the other packs." 

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