Chapter 3, Part 4

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Amanda stepped out into the evening. She felt bad about leaving while the council was still in process. She was supposed to be a dutiful member of Connor's pack. But it was so hot and stuffy in the hall, too many bodies pressing in on all sides. She was starting to understand Uncle Darren's claustrophobia better. Besides, nothing would be decided at this council anyway.

It might be a genetic difference between bears and wolves or it might be something more personal, but there was a great deal going between the packs in terms of hierarchy and dominance. All of based on subtle clues about where they sat, who met whose eyes and who spoke. The other's heads darted back and forth like they were watching tennis, eyes sharp and intent. But Amanda couldn't follow whatever clues they were seeing. To her, everything discussed so far was little more than polite banter. She was tired of trying to read between the lines.

A noise caught her attention. In the shadow, just a little ways away from the hall a figure stood, smoking. Amanda could see the red cherry bud as the figure inhaled. She smelled the odor of tobacco. She moved closer.

The figure stepped out of the shadow. It was Tricia. She regarded Amanda cautiously. "Hey," she said.

"Hey," Amanda returned.

Tricia pointed to the lit cigarette and raised an eyebrow.

"No thanks," Amanda said. "I don't smoke." She glanced back at the hall. "Do they know you do?"

"Do I care?" Tricia said.

Amanda shrugged, "guess not."

"Not all excited about the big council?" Tricia asked after a moment. She regarded Amanda out of the corner of her eyes.

Amanda shrugged again. "Too many bodies. I had to get out for awhile. I am not used to being cramped up."

"Wanna walk?" Tricia asked.

"Sure," Amanda said.

Tricia dropped her cigarette and ground it out under the heel of her knee high black boots. She led Amanda away from the hall and down the lane of the cabins. Tiki torches lit the main path and there was the occasional campfire in the midst of the sea of tents, but every single person seemed to be up at the hall.

"So you aren't all excited about the council?" Amanda asked.

"I've been coming to these things since I was a kid," Tricia said dismissively.

"You grew up with this," Amanda said. "So can I ask," she stopped not sure what to ask.

"About what?" Tricia said.

"Umm, you and Jonathan, I guess. I mean you are Jonathan's cousin?" Amanda asked.

"My mom is one of Uncle Arthur's betas," Tricia said. "Dad is kin, but he is inner circle, knows it all. We live on the farm with the others."

"Cool," Amanda said.

"Hardly," Tricia scowled. "I hate living in the middle of freaking nowhere. I hate the farm. I hate," she broke off and stared off into space for a long time. She fished into the chest pocket of her denim jacket and came out with another cigarette. She held it out towards Amanda with another raised eyebrow. This one was hand-rolled and Amanda caught a different scent from it. Amanda shook her head. "It's okay," Tricia said as the joint disappeared back into the pocket. "It's just ditch weed that grows in the back pasture at home anyway. Gives you a wicked headache and not much buzz."

"How is camp?" Amanda asked, not sure what to say.

"I hope I don't have the gift," Tricia said as they reached the end of the lane.

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