Chapter 14, part 2

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They came out of the woods to find a beat-up white passenger van parked on the gravel lot. Beside the van, two figures stood. Their body language was tense, as though they had been arguing. Diana Sage and the one they called Soldier turned and regarded them.

Diana took a hesitant step towards them, pleading in her eyes, and then stepped back. Soldier leaned up against the driver's door and watched them passively.

"Get in the van," Robbie ordered. They all made for the far side of the van and started to climb in as Robbie approached the other two. Connor climbed in the front seat and the rest piled in the back. The driver's window was down and the conversation easily overheard.

"Arthur says, she made her bed," Soldier said.

"That's my daughter," Diana snarled.

"I say, she's a scared teen," Robbie said, "who doesn't understand what's going on."

Soldier shrugged. "You mean to go look for her."

Robbie nodded.

"He won't like that. What should I tell him?" Soldier asked.

Robbie stepped up close, almost nose to nose with Soldier. "Tell him anything you like," he snarled, "just tell him after I've left."

Soldier shrugged and moved away from the door. "It's your hide," he said.

Robbie climbed into the driver's seat and started the engine. Diana moved forward a couple of steps and Amanda saw her mouth the words, "thank you" at Robbie. He didn't acknowledge them.

As they pulled out on the highway, Connor turned to Robbie. "If we are going to help you, you've got to keep our secret, okay?"

"Umm, what secret?" Robbie asked.

"Brianna?" Connor said.

Brianna had already opened the messenger bag. She held up Jay so that his furry face showed in the rearview mirror. Robbie's eyes went wide. "What is it?" he asked.

"Not it, who," Amanda corrected. "They are our friends."

Brianna sat Jay down on the seat beside her. His human face appeared in the mirror as he transformed. He smiled and waved. Brianna was busy extracting Corey and setting him beside Jay.

"They are otter clan," Connor explained. "They are visiting my pack, privately. We would like to keep it private."

"You have my word," Robbie said. "I appreciate your help so much, I really do."

Brianna had pulled clothing out of the messenger bag and the otters were quickly dressing as Connor introduced them formally to Robbie. "I have a gut feeling we are going to need you guys on this," Connor said to Jay and Corey.

Robbie quickly warmed to Jay and Corey. It took them just over an hour to reach the Wisconsin Dells, where they stopped for lunch. By that time they were joking and laughing like they had known each other for years. 

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