Chapter 14, part 1

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The remaining packs arrived back at wolf camp before nightfall, and the next morning they had a full compliment again. Marshall announced at breakfast that they would hold a second, more informal, sparing tournament that day, human fighting in the morning and wolf in the afternoon. Everyone was excited at the prospect. There were many dark glances in the direction of Mitch's pack. They had sabotaged almost everyone, in one way or another, and plenty of people were eager for a little revenge.

The mood in the pack was jovial as they made their way back to their cabin to change into sweats for the tournament.

They found Robbie Leidulf, omega to Arthur's pack, on their porch. "Can we talk?" he said as they approached.

Connor glanced at Jonathan and nodded.

"Actually, I want to talk to all of you," Robbie corrected, "though Johnnie most of all."

They all filed inside. Jonathan sat on his bed, his eyes down.

"I think you know why I am here," Robbie said to Jonathan.

"Tricia," Jonathan said without looking up.

"Yeah," Robbie agreed. "You know she ran away."

Jonathan shrugged.

"We heard," Connor said.

"I don't know where she went," Jonathan said.

"I think I do," Robbie replied. He pulled an iPhone out of his pocket. "She asked to borrow it to look something up, just a couple of days before she ran. I was going through my history and found this," he pulled up the map app.

Amanda leaned in to look. "Madison," she said. Robbie nodded.

"She's better off," Jonathan said.

Robbie walked over to where he was sitting and knelt, face to face with him.

"I won't help him," Jonathan said.

"He's not asking," Robbie replied, "I am."

"She's -"

"No," Robbie said. "Why do you think the camp is in such an uproar? Over a teen runaway? Especially considering how many of them know what Arthur's like. Why? Think about it. Her behaviour this spring, the mood swings, hormonal shifts..."

"She's going to convert," Tanner said.

"Yes," Robbie said, "and soon. In Madison. Around people. Do you have any idea?"

"She'll be feral," Tanner said. "She'll be feral around humans. If she kills someone?"

Robbie was staring intently at Jonathan. A tear slid down Jonathan's cheek. "They'll hunt her," Jonathan whispered. "They'll have no choice. You can't have a feral werewolf among humans. You just can't."

"Yeah, they'll hunt her," Robbie said. "Unless we can find her first."

"We'll all go," Connor said. He looked at Brianna as he said it. She nodded. "The more looking, the better."

"Marshall?" Erica asked, "the tournament?"

"That's a competition," Connor said. "This is a life." Erica nodded.

"I have a van, at the service road," Robbie said. He headed for the door. Tanner, Erica and Amanda followed after. As she reached the door, Amanda glanced back. Jonathan had risen and stood beside Connor. "Thanks," he said and followed after. They all paused at the bathhouse. The door of the cabin burst open and Brianna came out with an oversized messenger bag slung over one shoulder. "I am coming," she groused.

"The competition starts in five minutes!" Cameron yelled at the group as they marched past the administrative buildings, heading towards the service road.

"We know," Connor replied. He followed Robbie between the buildings and out of sight.

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