Chapter 8, Part 4

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"Listen up!" Marshall shouted. The cook out was ending, and the midsummer festival was almost over. There was just one more thing to do. Everyone gathered around Marshall.

When he had their attention, he went on. "Every summer we have a special two-week challenge. And I don't need to remind any of you that it's worth a full third of the points. This challenge can make or break a pack. It could pull a pack from the back," he gave a meaningful glance in their direction as he said this. "Or it could cement someone's victory.

"Every year the challenge is different, crafted to test the strengths and weaknesses of the packs we have here at wolf camp that year. These challenges are designed to test your endurance, your skill and your ability to communicate and work together as a pack.

"After a lot of thought, we have decided on the challenge for this year." There was an expectant hush. "Next Wednesday we are leaving wolf camp. We are going to the furthest northern edge of Leidulf territory, to the Boundary Waters. Each pack will be outfitted with canoes, camp gear and a map. You will each be dropped off at a portage point and have one week to canoe the route and come out at the final destination."

As soon as he stopped speaking, Tanner started jumping up and down excitedly. "The Boundary Waters!" he screamed. "The Boundary Waters!"

"Should I know what that is?" Erica asked.

Tanner let out a disbelieving squeal. "The Boundary Waters is only the most awesomest place on earth," he said.

Amanda grabbed his shoulder and held him still. "The Boundary Waters," she explained to Erica, "is a huge national park on the border with Canada. It's mostly undeveloped wetlands and lakes."

"There are hundreds of places you can only get to by canoe," Tanner went on, trying to bounce out of Amanda's grasp. "And I've wanted to camp there my whole life and never had the chance, and we're going to the Boundary Waters." He broke free of her hold and bounced off excitedly.

"This is our challenge," Connor said. "We have an ace in the hole on this one."

"What's that?" Amanda asked.

"You," he replied.

"That's right," Brianna said, "you were raised by Grizzly Adams himself. If the challenge involves wood lore, we are shoo ins to win." Cheered by this thought, they made their way back their camp to turn in.

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