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(Nolan's POV)
I was half awake when I could hear him say something, but couldn't make it out as I drifted back to sleep.

Suddenly, I woke up to yelling in lou's room. I glanced at my clock , it was 4:45 am. I ran into his room, only to see Lou, asleep but mumbling things I couldn't understand. I shook Lou to wake him up. His eyes shot open and he immediately sat up.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I placed my hand on his back.

He yelled in surprise once he made eye contact with me. I guess he forgot that I was there.

Lou: I'm fine. Just a bad dream.

He said in a stern voice. I sat beside him and gave him a quick hug.

"Do you want me to sleep with you?" I offered.

Lou: W-what? What is this nonsense? Why are you even asking me this? I'm not gay. Who said I was gay? You're gay. "Sleep with me"?.. Do you know who I am? I don't sleep with.. random men. Tsch. It's 5 in the morning and you're asking me this shit..

I blinked at him for a second.
"Huh?! Oh, no no. I meant lay next to you. Just to keep you company.."

Lou:, it's fine. I'll be fine on my own. Thanks.

I ignored his response as I went to the opposite side of the bed, and tucked myself in. Lou just watched me and soon turned back around to sleep. I guess he didn't care in the end.

To be honest, I wasn't used to laying in a bed alone.

(Lou's POV)
In the morning I woke up to a warm embrace. It was kind of nice. Until I realized what was actually going on.

A certain brunette was hugging me from behind, with his body real close to mine. His legs where tangled with mine and his left hand was near my lower stomach.

"Hey, hey, hey! What's going on here?!"

He groaned while I squirmed and got out of the bed.

"What do you think you're doing, huh? You can't just- You can't- You can't do that!"

My face wasn't the only part of my body that was rushing with excitement. He opened his eyes slowly and gave the most submissive look I've ever seen. My heart fluttered.

Nolan: Sorry...I got cold..

"You think you can just get away with stuff like this because you're cute? Huh?"

I stepped towards him and he seemed to flinch like I was going to beat him up or something. He pulled the blanket over himself and began to whine.

Nolan "Sorry! I'm sorry... I'm sorry.. I won't do it again.. I'm sorry.. please don't.."

I raised a brow at him.

"...okay. It's fine. Just.. watch where you put your hands next time, okay?"

I headed to the washroom to start my usual routine.
I noticed Nolan standing behind me in the mirror in his purple, snoopy themed pijamas. He looked deep in thought. He looked like a child who'd been told he couldn't have ice cream before dinner. I said nothing and continued to wash my face.

Nolan: You're.. not like him.


Nolan: N-nothing.. sorry.

As I was brushing my pearly whites, I suddenly sensed two small, but gentle arms wrapped around my torso. I glanced behind me to see Nolan hugging me from behind, with his eyes closed. I wasn't sure what to say at first. So I said something random.

"Good morning, cuddlebunny."

I'm honestly not sure why I called him that. It just seemed right at the time. It made him smile at least.

Nolan: Good morning.. random blonde man.

I nearly choked on my toothpaste and chuckled.
"What the fuck...?"

He laughed at himself and stepped backwards. I soon heard a small yelp and turned around.

"You okay?" I asked as I pulled him up. He nodded and I took a moment to really appreciate the uniqueness of his eyes. The color. The shape. The wonder. In fact, I found myself looking at his entire face. The freckles that sat happily on his cheeks. His small nose. The teeth in the front that seemed a bit crooked. And his soft, thin lips which looked like they'd be nice to kiss.

In a panic, I let go, and quickly looked away. I wondered what gave Nolan the right to be so cute.


(Nolan's POV)
I could feel my cheeks turning red. I could've looked into his eyes forever, but maybe he couldn't...
I was too ugly.

"I'm really sorry. About earlier."
I apologized once more.

"It's fine." Lou responded.

I nodded and walked out of the room. Since Lou was busy, I decided to change out of my pj's in my bedroom. I closed the door, just in case.

As I undressed I could hear my loud thoughts in my head. "I'm so ugly. I wish I was taller. I wish I didn't have these stupid freckles."

As soon as I finished hating myself in the mirror, I left the room, to see Lou heading down the stairs. I followed as he made his way to the kitchen.

Lou: Sit down, Nolan.

Lou said, with his back turned to me. I sat at the kitchen table, obeying immediately.

Lou: So, Nolan... Why do you think so negative of yourself?

I was silent for a few seconds but then shrugged my shoulders.
"I don't know."

Lou placed 2 plates on the table, each with 2 pancakes. My eyes widened and shifted from Lou to the pancakes to the oven and back to Lou again. How had he made pancakes so fast?

"I'm quick" Lou said casually, noticing my confusion.

I looked down at my plate. Was it really okay for me to eat 2 to myself? Michael usually allowed me to eat a half.

"What's wrong? Do you not like pancakes?" Lou asked after realizing I wasn't eating.

I looked up at him.
"Well... Are you sure I should eat 2?"

Lou tilted his head.
"You want more? I can make you more-"

"No, no, I mean... Isn't it unhealthy?"

"Well, I guess they don't have protein but... It should be okay." Lou ate a piece from his fork.

I looked at my pancakes again.

After swallowing, Lou asked
"Are you on a diet or something?"

My stomach rumbled. Michael would be so mad if he knew I was eating so much.

"It's just that... I gain weight easily."

Lou processed the information in his head.

Lou' Would you like cereal instead?

I nodded, slightly embarrassed. "Yes please."

MINE (Part I) - Nolou/Uglydolls FanficWhere stories live. Discover now