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(Lous POV)
As Nolan brushed and combed my messy hair, I couldn't think of anything to say. I felt shame and guilt. I treated everyone so badly, especially Nolan and yet, here he was helping me. Although I have to admit, it felt nice having company for once.

Nolan: Annnd ..... Done!
He announced as he raised his comb and brush in the air.

"Thank you, Nolan "

Nolan: But, you didn't even see it yet.

"I know you did a good job."

Nolan: Oh okay... You're welcome.

I in fact had no idea if he actually did a good job. But I wasn't about to complain about the only company I've had in months. Not to mention he brought me food.

"Nolan, I'm sorry. About everything, especially how I treated you" I said looking at the ground.

Nolan: That's alright. That was a long time ago.

He beemed with a friendly smile.


(Nolan's POV)
It kinda shocked me to hear Lou apologizing, as I had never heard him do it. He asked me what I was doing there. I told him how I got worried about him, especially because it seemed like noone else cared and I wanted to help him. He asked me how long I would be staying. I told him I wasn't sure, as I didn't have many friends in Uglyville and wasn't given a child yet.

Lou: Your welcome to stay here as long as you like.

Lou said that with a smile. I could tell he was getting more comfortable.

Lou: I have 2 guest bedrooms.

"Oh, thanks Lou. " I said as I gave him the nicest smile I could. Lou was very quiet, he observed me and soon, he led me to one of the bedrooms. I lay my backpack on the humongous bed. Lou had gone to the bathroom to see his hair so I was free to make whatever noises I wanted at all the expensive art and furniture he had.

I walked around the house a little, admiring how neat everything was. I soon found myself in Lou's room. I spotted a statue, pictures and paintings of Lou. That was no surprise to me since he used to be so full of himself.

Lou: Exploring, are we?

He said as he approached me from behind.

"I didn't mean to. I'm sorry " I bowed my head in respect. I noticed from his voice, that he must've gained confidence. He sounded sure of himself, just like he used to.

Lou: ..Why did you say you came here again?


I thought about what I could say. If I told him the truth, he probably wouldn't want me there anymore.

"I was wondering how you were doing.. and.. I kind of wanted a break from the town for a bit.."

He patted my head, and just smiled, walking away, while signaling me to follow him. I obeyed, as I didnt want to make him upset. I can't explain it, but there was something about Lou that made me automatically obey him.

When I got downstairs he was cooking something in the kitchen. I sat down on the kitchen table quietly, as I watched his perfect movement and heard his beautiful humming. He was finally finished and brought something over to me.

Lou: You must be tired from your little trip, I hope you like it.

He said in a voice that made me question my hearing. Has his voice always been this seductive? Probably.
Lou had made me some kind of sandwich. It had different types of meat and vegetables in it. I bit into it, not exactly sure what I was expecting. But it was the best thing I ever tasted.

"Woah. This is amazing. Your such a great chef." I told Lou.
He thanked me, still facing the other way, while he put napkins in the garbage and knives in the sink.
"So, what's in this anyways? It tastes so good" I continued.

Lou: Oh. Heh, you probably don't want to know..

The blonde smirked. I said nothing and continued eating. If it tasted that good, it must've been healthy, right?

(Lou's POV)
I watched as Nolan finished, and headed to his room to change, as it was evening now. Around 8pm.
I followed without him noticing. He wandered into his room and just took off his shirt. I couldn't help myself after I caught a glimpse of his upper body. His skin was pale and his shoulders were decorated with small, gentle freckles. His lower back had a couple scars that looked like they were cat scratches at some point. I frowned at some of the bruises near his waist.

He suddenly turned around and shut the door on me in a panic. I could feel my face get hot with embarrassment. I went to my room, and changed.

I went back downstairs to see the back of Nolan's head on my couch.
"I'm sorry about that, Nolan. I really am. I didn't mean to stare."

Nolan: It's fine..

The brunnete sniffled. I stood in front of the couch with Nolan sitting with his knees covering his face. Only then, I realized how vulnerable Nolan looked.
"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable.."
I assured Nolan.

Nolan: No, it's not you.

"What is it then? " I questioned Nolan. I noticed he started to tear up even more.
"Do you not like your body? " I asked him. He shook his head side to side. I'm not sure why, but it hurt to see Nolan like that. I wanted to assure him that he had a nice body, but I didn't want to sound creepy or perverted so I just tried changing the subject.
"Would you like to watch TV?"
He nodded.

I flicked the TV on. As soon as it showed a character, I knew exactly what show it was.
"50 Shades of Gray. There's only one channel here so, this is all I have to watch. I hope you don't mind."

I sat beside him as he started watching it. I've already seen all the episodes and read all the books. The only thing that I was curious about was why I couldn't stop glancing at Nolan.

"I wonder why he has all those scratches and bruises.. maybe he had a pet cat? Maybe he's clumsy.."

I thought to myself. Suddenly, I heard him snoring gently on my shoulder. I sat awkwardly for a moment, but then decided I'd just let him sleep. I watched as he breathed gently through his mouth  and wondered what kind of life he had. He was probably really popular. He was probably the kind of person to get 100 gifts on Valentine's Day.

He didn't look the same as before.

He was a bit different.

He was kind of... Beautiful.

MINE (Part I) - Nolou/Uglydolls FanficWhere stories live. Discover now