"I said come here!" The man said to me, pulling me closer to him. They all smell so bad. They haven't took a bath in a good 2 or 3 months, I would say. Nasty. I was trying to free myself from this man. 

"Let go of me! Help! Please some one Help!" I yelled out. I was fighting to free myself. It was only us in the cabin. 

"Shut up!" The man said slapping me across my face. I fell on the floor. I was holding my red face, looking up at that man. 

"Stupid bitch." He said to me walking out of the cabin. I waited until I saw him walking into the barn. I ran over to the gun cabinet and grab Brantley's small pistols. I ran out of the back door running to the creek. I know if I can get to the creek and follow it down to the mill, I know Brantley is there. I hope they are lying about Brantley being dead. I was almost to the woods when I heard the men all yelling for me. I looked back and saw one of them riding on a horse right behind me. 

I made it to the woods. I was trying to run as fast as I could in my shoes and my dress. But being 6 months pregnant isn't helping me out. I fell right next to the creek. I looked behind me and I heard all 3 of the men talking. I got up and ran down the creek. 

I wanted to yell for help but I was so scared. I couldn't even talk right now. I was running for a good 3 or 4 minutes before I looked back and I didn't see no one. I was holding onto my baby bump. 

"Maybe we lost---" I ran into someone. 

"Think again darlin." The man said to me holding onto me. The way he said 'Darlin' made my belly do a nasty flip. He has no reason to call me that. That's Brantley's name for me and he is the only one that can call me that. Just like I'm the only one that gets to call him 'Dear'. I let out a loud high pitch yell. 

"Shut her up Frank." The man said to the other man holding onto me. 

"I'm trying Jim. She won't stop moving." Frank said to Jim. 

"What do you want with me?" I asked them. They all looked at me. 

"Nothing much. Just for you to cook for us and then lay with us." The other man said to me. 

"Then we will kill you. Are we going to kill her John. Please say we get to kill her. I want to play with her body." Frank said to the other men. These men need help. I was trying to stay strong but I was starting to loose the fight. 

"Come on. I want to get some more miles behind us before night falls. Lets take her back to her cabin she can cook for us then we all lay with her then I'm going to kill her." He must be the leader. This John man. I should have shot them when I had a chance. I was crying not just for Brantley, but for my baby. My baby never did ask for none of this. 

"Shut your God damn mouth before I shut it for you." The man name Jim said to me. I looked up at him. All 3 of these men are good 5'11, 6'0 on the dot. And hello I'm 5'0 with a 6 month pregnant body rocking over here. All I want is Brantley to be home with me. We both in the cabin. I'm getting supper ready for us and Brantley holding onto me from behind. Minnie laying on the floor watching us. I want to live for my baby. I must stay alive for my baby. I looked at them. 

"Okay. I'll cook supper for you all then will you please leave me and my baby alone." I asked them. They all looked down at me. 

"No. Come on." John said to me, pulling me up the hill to get back to cabin. I need to come up with a plan, and do it fast. All the way back to the cabin I was praying that Brantley would be there and will take care of this. But I'm working on something. I just hope it works. All the way back to the cabin, Frank, John and Jim all talked about the nasty thing they want to do to me. Little does they all know, it won't be happening. I'm getting out of here the first chance I can get. 

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