When We Were Young - Chapter 11

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Jennie looked around her old apartment, trying to find a box of something she could give Jisoo to carry. She didn't want to be that person that doesn't let pregnant ladies do anything, but she also didn't want her carrying the heaviest box now that she was pregnant. "June, are you sure you marked everything right?"


Jennie frowned. "This box says stuff. How do I know what kind of stuff does it have in?"

June grinned. "I know. That's all that matters."

"Don't get sassy with me," Jennie warned, but they both knew it was pointless. She wouldn't actually threaten her little brother or harm him, aside from occasional smack on the back of his head when he was being annoying.

"What do you have for me?" Jisoo eagerly asked as she walked inside. She was finally feeling a little bit more energized and not so bloated anymore and she was in the mood to help out.

"You can grab that," June said, pointing with his head towards a box that was labeled 'study stuff', but then Jennie glared at him. "Or not. The one labeled 'clothes' should be fine."

Jisoo squinted at Jennie. "Are you trying to get him to give me the lightest box?"

Jennie shrugged. "In my defense, the lightest box is labeled 'toys and stuff'."

Jisoo decided not to argue as it was only nine in the morning and she's had a long day ahead of her. First, they needed to move all of June's belongings into her dad's SUV and then they were moving Jennie's things as well. Jisoo's boxes were already in their new apartment. They still needed to go furniture shopping later in the day though.

"Careful," Jennie said gently when Jisoo bent down to pick up the box. "Sorry," she immediately apologized.

"It's okay. I get it," Jisoo assured her.

Jennie nodded and then sighed looking at June's empty room. Well, there was still a bed, desk, and a dresser, but everything else was gone and it just looked sad. Though Jennie's room didn't look any different.

June had his backpack on and a hoverboard in his arms. "You ready to go, Jen? Seunghyun is waiting for us."

"I'm ready. It just feels weird, you know."

"I know," June agreed. "I'm worried that Kim's won't like living with me," he confessed quietly.

Jennie spun around. "What? Why?"

He shrugged. "I don't know. I have college and sometimes I hang out with my friends until midnight. It bothered you. Maybe it's going to bother them as well. And what if I break Dara's favorite vase? Or do something stupid?"

"You're still a teenager. They expect you to do stupid things," Jennie joked, laughing when June hit her shoulder. "They want you there, June. And even if you break Dara's favorite vase they will still want you to live there. Besides, you're a great roommate. You make the best breakfast. You never leave the toilet seat up. And you don't put the milk carton back in the fridge when it's empty."

June laughed. "Yeah, I am pretty great."

Jennie rolled her eyes and pushed June. "Come on, out we go. Oh, and leave the key on the kitchen counter."

With the keys on the kitchen counter Jennie looked around the apartment one last time before she closed the door. It felt weird, moving somewhere, and leaving June someplace else. But Jennie also knew that he was safe with Dara and Seunghyun.

"Lisa, Chaeyoung, Suho, Irene and Bogum all promised to help us out later," Jisoo said, once Jennie and June appeared from the building. "But only if they get free pizza and beer."

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