When We Were Young - Chapter 10

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Nothing in Jennie's life has ever made her panic as much as one simple text from Jisoo.

[1:45PM] This is an emergency.

It sent adrenaline through Jennie's blood, made her heart clench uncomfortably and she barely got herself together enough to leave the apartment and get in her car. She took the rest of her day off from work because Jisoo had her first sonogram at three and she wanted to be there. Jennie has been reading a lot on pregnancies and about fetus development since she found out. Jisoo was now eleven weeks pregnant and their baby reached four centimeters by now. And according to everything Jennie read it should be fully developed soon. Unless something terrible happened. Jennie admittedly drove way past the speed limit and reached Jisoo's apartment in the record time. She knocked anxiously and frowned when Jisoo answered the door with her jeans unbuttoned and in her bra. "Jisoo?"

Jisoo pulled Jennie inside her apartment, a serious expression on her face. "My pants don't fit."

"Jisoo I thought it was serious," Jennie sighed.

Jisoo gasped. "It is serious! My black jeans don't fit."

"I thought it was something bad."

"Well, they're my favorite pair," Jisoo whined. "Look," she demanded and showed Jennie how the button couldn't get inside the hole no matter how much she strained and tried to suck her stomach in.

"You can just wear something else," Jennie offered.

Jisoo was horrified. "Wear something else? Jennie, these are my favorite jeans. Ripped on my right knee. They're comfortable, but sexy. I wanted to wear them today because I'm telling my parents later."

Jennie nodded. "I understand that. But your parents won't care about what you're wearing. You're pregnant. You're supposed to gain weight."

"Great, now you're calling me fat."

Jennie had to release a long breath in order to control herself. "Jisoo, you're not fat. If anything, it just looks like you had a big lunch. It's barely noticeable." But it still was and every once in a while, Jennie glanced down at the swell of Jisoo's belly.

Jisoo huffed. "I can't button my jeans."

"I know," Jennie murmured. She led Jisoo in her bedroom and gently sat her down on the bed. She took out another pair of black jeans that Jisoo owned that were a size bigger. Jisoo watched her with wide eyes when Jennie cut through the right knee with scissors to make a hole. "I know they're not the same, but they're black and ripped over the right knee."

Jisoo pouted. "I guess." She pulled down her jeans and laid back on the bed, sighing heavily.

Jennie sat down next to her. "Jisoo, may I?"

Jisoo raised her head, confused, and then noticed Jennie's hand reaching out. She nodded and melted in the bed when Jennie's warm hand gently touched the tiny swell.

"You know this bump is so slight that it's barely there," Jennie commented. "I don't think anyone else would notice."

"I can't believe I even have a baby bump after I spent the past four weeks throwing up after everything," Jisoo breathed out, Jennie's slow motions calming her down.

Jennie noticed and smiled, glad that she was able to stop Jisoo's freak out. "I'm sorry about the throwing up. I guess my smoothies didn't help much."

Jisoo cringed just thinking about it. "They didn't." She leaned up on her elbows. "Jen," she called out.


"Do you wonder what gender the baby has? And name and stuff? I've been online window shopping and looking at baby things and everything is just so cute."

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