When We Were Young - Chapter 10

Start from the beginning

Jennie laughed and shrugged. "I don't know. I told June yesterday and he said he hopes it's a boy."

"Lisa said it's going to be a girl," Jisoo said and sat up, Jennie's hand falling in her lap before Jennie retrieved it. "You must have seen some baby names that you like though."

"I like Matthew for a boy, for some reason. Something soft and short if it's a girl. Like Anna or Emma."

Jisoo made a face.

"What?" Jennie asked.

"I like Matthew, but the girl names are so common and basic," Jisoo complained. "I want something unique and cool."

"Like Jennie and Jisoo?" Jennie joked.

Jisoo snorted and shook her head. "Definitely not using Jennie Junior or Jisoo Junior for a girl."

"JJ would be cute," Jennie chimed in, glad to see Jisoo completely relaxed and comfortable now.

"Or we could go with RJ. As in Rubyjane Junior," Jisoo said with a smirk, knowing it would make Jennie disagree.

Jennie groaned. "Ugh, no."

"I actually do like JJ," Jisoo breathed out. "Jennie, I don't want to like JJ, but it sounds so cute."

"We won't know the name for sure until the baby's born. If it's a girl and you'll still want to name her JJ then, I guess we can think about it. But it can't stand for Jennie Junior," Jennie said and then decided to change the topic. "Have you drank enough water?"

"I'm waiting until we have to leave or I won't get through the ultrasound," Jisoo replied and then laid back down, rolling on her side. "Do you think we're making the right decision? What if fuck up and our kid ends up traumatized?"

"We won't fuck up. Well, we will at first. But the kid doesn't have to know that. And by the time they're six or seven we'll be experienced enough to not traumatize the child."

Jisoo sighed. "What if something happens to either of us? Or worse, both of us. What if they end up on their own?"

Jennie moved and lifted Jisoo's head and placed it in her lap, running her fingers through dark locks. "Nothing will happen to us. And if it will, there are always your parents. June. All our friends. They won't be all alone."

"Jennie, I thought you were fine for six years and then I realized you were struggling, on your own in a foreign country. I could have helped you. But I didn't know and I didn't think to reach out or have my parents look for you," Jisoo confessed.

"What happened to me and June was not something you could have seen coming. We were supposed to move with dad, but he died before it could happen and then mom had a lot of issues and bad things happened. But I didn't have anyone other than mom and dad. I didn't think about reaching your parents either. I just kept going, putting June first and hoping for the best. But with us, that's not going to happen. This baby's gonna have grandparents and a crazy amount of uncles and aunts. Godparents too. We'll make sure of that," Jennie spoke, trying to comfort Jisoo while also playing with her hair.

Jisoo nodded. "Okay."

"Okay," Jennie repeated and they stayed like that, Jisoo nearly falling asleep before Jennie gently shook her. "You have to get dressed cause we have the appointment soon."

"Right," Jisoo murmured and sighed when Jennie left her bedroom.

By the time Jisoo got dressed Jennie returned with a water bottle and forced Jisoo to drink it. Jisoo knew she needed her bladder full for the ultrasound but it also made her uncomfortable and whiny. Jennie was the one that had to deal with it.

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