Can I See You? - Chapter 14

Start from the beginning

Jennie laughed, shaking her head before a blush crept up her neck towards her cheeks. "I used to watch porn like that though."

"But you said you don't like masturbating."

"I don't. But some videos seemed to be pleasant on the eyes," Jennie murmured, blushing even further.

Jisoo grinned. "You're too cute. And we haven't actually watched porn in a while. We should bring that back. We can try and copy whatever the couple's doing on the screen."

Jennie's throat suddenly went dry and she nodded.

Jisoo grabbed her laptop and set it up in the bed. She checked the time on her phone. Dara was working and Seunghyun was flying back home from a conference and would land soon. She knew their friends were coming over but they had a few hours until then. "You choose," Jisoo said.

Jennie pulled laptop closer to her. "Can it be straight?" Not that she wanted to see other naked men but maybe it was easier to copy the positions where her extra appendage would turn to be useful.

"Sure," Jisoo agreed.

It took a while but Jennie found one that didn't seem too gross or focused on just the pleasure of a guy. In fact, Jennie realized that the video was actually turning her on. It was a similar situation they were in. A couple was waking up and the woman was lying on her stomach, face buried in the pillow and the guy was kissing her back.

"They're kind of cute," Jisoo added, giggling when Jennie rolled her eyes. "You're cuter though."

But then he settled on her back, between her legs and Jennie's eyes widened and Jisoo inhaled sharply. It looked... Interesting.

The woman was softly moaning and gasping and that's what really turned Jisoo and Jennie on. Jennie realized Jisoo was intensely focused on the laptop screen so she moved her head until her lips touched the hot skin on Jisoo's neck. Jisoo let out a gasp, hand closest to Jennie reaching up and getting tangled in Jennie's long hair. "Want to try that?" Jennie whispered. She's read that some people find it very arousing to have their ears bitten and Jennie tried. She was sucking on the skin below, her breath hot and then she gently bit.

"Oh," Jisoo breathed out, eyes closing. "That's really nice."

Jennie smiled against the skin, one hand moving down Jisoo's stomach and dipping fingers below the waistband. It wasn't often that she took charge. Rarely never, simply because she enjoyed when Jisoo was the dominant one. But today she felt like teasing Jisoo.

"Jennie," Jisoo whined when the pad of Jennie's long finger brushed against her clit.

"Shh," Jennie whispered, kissing down the skin on Jisoo's neck. "Do you like this?" She kept brushing over the clit that was slowly protruding from its hood but never touched it directly. Jisoo was writhing in her arms, the laptop long forgotten until Jisoo nearly knocked it over with her elbow. Jennie pulled her hand out of Jisoo's panties to place the laptop on the floor, closing the lid.

Jisoo squeezed her thighs together. She felt wet and sticky and she just needed to be touched. "Jennie, please," she begged, hoping that would help.

Jennie slowly pulled Jisoo's panties down, throwing them on the floor and moved her hand to continue her teasing. "You're so wet."

"And you're teasing me," Jisoo complained.

"I'm sorry," Jennie apologized, kissing Jisoo's cheek. Jisoo puckered her lips and Jennie smiled before capturing pink lips between her own. Her finger finally pressed on the right spot and Jisoo let out a loud moan of relief, hips jerking into her hand.

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