Final part

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The day finally came. The day where Brendon had to leak the gut wrenching decision that hauntingly awaited the other 2 men.

He sat in his room waiting anxiously for them to arrive. Every passing minute made his heart begin to race faster and his stomach churn. He resented the idea that he had to break the news within the next hour, and he couldn't handle the idea that he would be breaking one or both of their hearts today. He was frightened to see the reactions.

Brendon took a deep breath. He took a minute to gather himself and come to terms with the situation. Fate determines everything.

I don't care anymore.

A sudden wave of disinterest took over him, changing his mood almost entirely. Brendon realized that there was no use in fretting over the inevitable. So he stopped caring. Admittedly, he surprised himself with how easy it was to let go of the pain. He closed his eyes and let the feeling wash over him. With each exhale, he let go of all the worries that bombarded his brain; his heart rate decreasing significantly.

Either way, he would lose a friendship. Possibly even both. Still, it was inescapable. He shouldn't fear the inevitable. The only things that still slightly made his nerves scream with anxiety were the reactions he would get.

2 of the 3 ways, he will lose Ryan's friendship. 2 of 3 Ryan will probably transfer classes.

2 of the 3 ways, he will lose Dallon's. 2 of 3, Dallon will probably quit his job.

Those things were out of his control completely. The chance that he would stay friends with them both was unlikely. He was sad of course that he would be losing one or both friends that day... but was his fault. He brought it upon himself. He just didn't think it would be so soon.

An hour of agony and emptiness passed, Brendon did nothing but of him lay under his covers to hide himself as much as could before his doom. He felt his phone buzz. He knew it was time. Brendon picked up his cell to see the text " We're here " from Ryan.

Taking one last deep breath, he got up from his bed and inched his way to what almost felt like his personal Hell. The door opened to show the 2 men, both with unreadable expressions. Neither of them were arguing or snarling at each other because they knew that their fate awaited them, and there was no use in picking petty fights with each other anymore.

Without saying anything, the 3 made their way to Brendon's room. Brendon crawled up onto his bed and smothered a pillow. Ryan stood at the foot his arms crossed, biting his lip and staring at the floor.

Dallon sat down at the edge of the bed with his back turned towards Brendon.

It took awhile for anyone to talk, but eventually Brendon let out a shaky breath and cleared his throat to insinuate that he was going to start speaking.

"This wasn't easy for me... and clearly it shouldn't have been anyway. But I made my decision. Although it may not be pleasing for anyone to hear, it's what's best in my opinion. I would hope that both of you would find it in your heart to forgive me for my wrong doings. I don't expect you to of course, but I hope you do." he paused, giving the other 2 a chance to speak before he continued.

No one piped in.

Brendon sighed, "I-I know that things won't be the same anymore, and admittedly that's my fault. I hope you both know that no matter what happens, I will still care about the 2 of you. Just... please don't hate each other for my fuck ups. You shouldn't hate each other because of something I did wrong that hurt the both of you. This was my fault. So please. If you have any resent for anyone anyone, just aim it at me. Not each other."

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