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Brendon decided to stay home from school for the next week. He thought taking some time for himself to think about this whole situation would help him decide on what to do. It was mainly Sarah's idea.

A week away from Ryan and Dallon would help him decide on who he wanted, or if he even wanted them at all.

A part of him believes that his brain is playing tricks and punishing him. Another part of him believes that he genuinely has feelings for both of the men. If that was true, he would have another problem. That would be choosing who to love.

Then again, Dallon was already in a relationship, and Ryan wasn't. So the answer was pretty obvious, but for all he knows, Dallon and his girlfriend could end up splitting apart. Anything could happen.

There's one other part of Brendon that thinks his "feelings" for Dallon are completely absurd. He's only know Dallon for at least a month, and even he knows that you can't be in love with someone after a month. Though, you never know. There's always "love at first sight", but in this case it was "fuck at first sight."

Almost fucking someone once shouldn't lead to having feelings for them. Especially if it didn't even mean anything.

Like he had told Sarah, he didn't know if he just needed to fuck Dallon to get him out of his system, or if he wanted something more than a hook up. It would make more sense if all he wanted to do was fuck, after all, they never got that far the last time.

He hoped that this week long break will help him figure it all out.


"Sarah it's only been a day and a half and I'm going crazy, and it's not even because I'm away from them it's because I'm bored as shit I literally have nothing to do here. For once I actually mean it when I say I miss school."

Brendon is sprawled out on his bedroom floor, talking to Sarah during her free period.

"It's only a week stop being such a pussy. Besides, you're the one that agreed to do this so it's pretty much your fault. Go clean something if you're so bored." she told the whining boy.

"Ew, cleaning. It's fine, you're right Sarah. Am I at least allowed to hang out with you?"

"Sure. Only if you don't end up having a crush on me as well." the girl joked.

"Sarah that's gay."

"You're gay."


"Well free times up. I'll text you later, okay?"

"Yeah. Talk to you later." The boy sighed and hung up the phone.

"Back to more boring silence." he mumbled to himself.

He continued to lay there on his floor and stare at the ceiling. Time seemed to be going by painfully slow because every time he checked his clock, it would only be a minute later.

After about five more minutes, he groans loudly and sat up, fed up with being bored. He looked around his room in hopes of finding something that will occupy him, but to his disappointment, he found nothing. All he found out was that his room was a complete mess.

Groaning again, he gets up and decides to start cleaning up and organize some things.

At least it's something to pass the time.

Brendon started with his closet first, picking up the piles of clothes and junk on the floor and sorting them into 3 piles. Dirty clothes, clothes he will never wear, or clean ones.

He dug through to the back where he's probably had stuff sitting there for months or even a year. While rummaging through, he found some old board games and clothes he hasn't seen since he was 15.

Casual Affair//Brallon&Ryden (Bryllon)Where stories live. Discover now