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Brendon skipped school the next day.

See, Brendon was one of those people that take the littlest things and make them into huge problems for himself.

One time Brendon accidentally shoved pass a random girl in the hallway at school, and for the next 3 days he didn't walk down that hallway because he was afraid that she was going to pop up and shoot him for pushing her.

That's how bad it was for him. What he said in front of Dallon the day before made him want to disappear forever.

Sure, it wasn't that big of a deal. Dallon said himself that they both could just forget about it, but that wasn't enough for Brendon. He couldn't stop worrying about it.

"Ryan, you don't understand. My dumbass spaced out and basically said all that shit to his face." Brendon almost yelled at his friend on the other line. He doesn't know what got through Ryan's head, but apparently he thought it was a good idea to talk to Brendon on the phone during class.

"Look I get it, it sucks but you'll get over it dude. Someday you'll look back on that situation and laugh about it." the funny part about it was that Ryan wasn't even making the slightest effort to try and keep his voice down.

"You're right I guess...but still it's fucking embarrassing he must think I'm the weirdest fucking kid ever." Brendon sighed.

"Well look at it this way, he didn't make the situation any more awkward that it was to begin with, right? So maybe he really didn't mind like he said. Anyway- wait shit no I'm sorry-" Ryan's voice got quieter as he kept protesting against whatever was happening to him.

"Ryan? You good? ...hello?" Brendon wasn't too concerned, his phone was most likely taken away by his current teacher.

"You know, Brendon, I would have expected you to be sick. Not play hooky. Or is your good pal Ryan here giving you homework information?" he knew that voice. It's like he couldn't get rid of him. He was everywhere.

Was God singling Brendon out and purposely making this the worst week of his life? Because that's how Brendon felt.

"Uhm...yeah. That's exactly what Ryan was doing M-Mr. Weekes. Just filling me in on what I missed." He was tempted to hang up the call, but something was stopping him.

"Uh huh. Well, Mr Urie I don't want to disturb you any longer," too late. "will I be expecting in class tomorrow?"

"Sure, Mr. Weekes." he whispered. If people had theme songs, Brendon's would be the Hungarian suicide song.

"Very well. See you tomorrow, Brendon." and with that, the line went silent.

Evil man..he's an evil man.

"Suck it up you pussy." the boy told himself.

Brendon took a deep breath. Inhale and chill out. Exhale the stress, and for once Brendon was actually calm and relaxed.

So Dallon likes to play games then, huh?


The piercing screech of Brendon's alarm clock went off as soon as the clock hit 5:15 AM.

Brendon felt like putting in an effort today, so he decided to set his alarm 2 hours earlier that usual.

He was surprised to see that his mother was already using the restroom, then again she gets up at 5 and he's never gotten up this early before.

"Mom hurry up. I have to shower." He yelled, his face pressed up against the door.

The first response he got was a really loud gasp followed by a faint "jeez".

Casual Affair//Brallon&Ryden (Bryllon)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin