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Ryan started to feel Brendon up under the covers, but then stopped immediately. “Wait,  you hear that?” Ryan asked. “Dude we're both high as shit you’re probably just hearing stuff.” Brendon stated while he tried to get Ryan to go back to what he was doing. “No, I heard it too. I think someone was knocking on the door.” Sarah got up to go check but was stopped by Brendon. “Dude no like what if it’s a murderer or something?” his blood pumped with paranoia. “Dude it’s fine . I’ll be back.’ Sarah walked out to the living room to get the door. Ryan and Brendon anxiously waited for her to hopefully return back safe.

“Well look who dropped in to visit.” Sarah came back into the bedroom with a tall figure next to her. That tall figure was Dallon.

“Mr. Weekes? What are you doing here?” Brendon and Ryan tried to act as normal as possible, afraid they were both going to get in trouble. “Dude I told you to just call me Dallon. And your mother called me and told me to come check on you to make sure you were okay because you weren’t answering any of her texts or calls and I was the only person available so she told me to come.” Dallon explained. “ Why do you two look so weird?”

“W-what do you mean weird? We look fine, we’re completely normal right now. Nothing out of the ordinary at all. Totally normal.” Ryan said quickly. Brendon trusts Dallon enough to know that he won’t tell his parents anything, but he was still scared because he didn’t want him to be upset or disappointed.

“Okay now there’s really something wrong. Come on what’s up. It’s either you tell me or I ask Sarah because I know she won’t lie to me so I’m going to find out the truth either way.” He stood in the doorway, both arms crossed. A stern look plastered on his face. Brendon sighed and Ryan hid his face. “Dude, we’re both tripping balls on acid right now.”

“Well, as long as you’re not killing each other, I suppose that’s fine.”

“Wait, really?” Ryan and Brendon stare at their teacher, shocked but also calmed. “Yeah, I mean I’m not really surprised guys. Almost every teenager is going to try something like that at least once. I know I did. Just be careful because sometimes curiosity kills. So like I said, as long as no one’s dying I’m not worried. And I won’t tell your parents, Brendon. I may seem like an asshole but I’m no narc. Your secret is safe with me.” Dallon told them while winking at Brendon. His mind was still slightly fuzzy and his eyesight and hearing were still distorted, but he understood everything Dallon had told him. “Dude, sweet.” Ryan said. “So you gonna like, leave now or you gonna stay or what ya gonna  do man?” he asked.

“I kind of feel like there should be a responsible adult here to watch over you guys but I don’t know. My parental instincts tell me to stay just incase but some other part of me is telling me to leave you be because it’d be weird to just have your teacher chill out with you.’ 

“Parental instincts?” Brendon started to wonder if Dallon had a kid that he didn’t know about.

What if he DOES have a kid? I’d be doing a terrible thing what if his girlfriend is pregnant or what if I’d be completely ruining his relationship with her? What if I cause a family to split up? Thoughts raced through his mind, he started to worry until Dallon spoke again. “Well I mean I’ve been around children my entire life like from little cousins or nieces and nephews. I’m used taking care and watching after them so.”

Okay that makes more sense.

“Ah, I get ya. Well, do what you want man I ain’t one to stop you.” Brendon slouched down and smiled at the teacher, “Maybe I’ll stay. It would be safer with an adult here and I know CPR just incase one of you starts to like have a heart attack or something. “ he joked.

Casual Affair//Brallon&Ryden (Bryllon)Where stories live. Discover now