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It's been a while, you could say.

Seeing her fast asleep like she doesn't give a fuck about this world, it just makes me want to leave everything and join her in her tranquil sleep. To say that I was not afraid was an understatement, but this was one of the most thrilling things I ever did.

Jung Eunji, my experiment.

Well, something like that. I was studying her ever since she fainted and fell in the dark alley way, murmuring some name I was clearly familiar with. Now I, being that one person who would take a peculiar interest in these stuff took her home and let her sleep on my bed.

Seeing her being in a comatose state for almost three months straight.

Sometimes I wondered if she was dead, but I could clearly feel her pulse and she was breathing fine. She had healthy brown hair growing rapidly from her roots, and when I'm saying this I'm not even joking because I had to literally cut her hair at least once a week.

And damn, that struggle.

Why? You have the right to ask me. I was interested only because of that one name. Jung Hoseok.

I clearly remember, he was a nice sunbaenim to me when I was young. He was my neighbor who used to live in another lane, but always came to the park to play with the young kids. I remember seeing another young man along with him, although a bit older than him in age.

Now as I noted down her pulse and breathing rate on my notepad, I only forced myself to remember more about these two peculiar men embedded deep in my memory. It was a struggle almost everyday, trying to remember something you've known for so long yet you can't seem to recollect it when actually needed.

This girl... I really didn't know what to do. Anyone could get to know and someday it might become a huge issue about me keeping a girl at my house, and I clearly didn't want that. All I did was do my study and keep her alive, while being a sincere student doing my higher studies in a reputed university. My curiosity got to me and here I am, looking after a girl almost of my age.

Fuck, this girl was my classmate and I never took notice of her properly until this.

Sighing, I set my notepad aside and went into my room to get my laptop. There has to be some solution related to this, I mean if there is any. She was in a comatose state, that much was clear but I was majoring in music so I really had no idea on how to do the basic first aid as well. All I could do was observe her all along, take care of her and be careful of other's remarks until all of it could be over.

What piqued my curiosity even more, was when I saw the sunbaenim again. In that same old cafe where he held me hostage with his magical words and sarcastic remarks thrown at me, always holding me back to retort back at him, with the only exception of his scowl marring his face. This time, he was the one doing the talking, looking directly into my eyes as he spoke words which never really got to me, I mean in what way did he think that I was trustworthy?

Those words still echoed around my head, my pulse picking up as I thought of it again and again.

Take care of her.

And that's what I did, took care of her ever since. I didn't know what was happening, what exactly I was doing and sometimes I even had the desperate urge to give up and let her go. She was no one to me, I didn't even want to involve myself into this, but then why? The whole guilt gets back to me for no reason whenever I thought of abandoning the thought of letting this job go, abandoning her.

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