Chapter 43

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"What happened to her?", Karin barged into his hotel room,  throwing all her bags and coat onto the couch as she heads straight to the bed. "She fainted?"

"Yes", he replied lowly, sighing as he stretched his necks to the side. "I called for a doctor, he is on his way up"

"Did she tell you she has a fever? Her body is so so warm", softly putting her palm on Risa's forehead, her eyes widened feeling that her forehead is too hot.

Taehyung shook his head, seemingly worried and curious about Risa's condition. She was fine when they went out just now and she didn't mention anything about having a fever.

Both of them were silent as they look at Risa lying on the bed, lips as pale as the snow and her face sullen. It shook them to see Risa laying limp on the bed, her face looking so drained and colorless due to the fever.

Taehyung's phone suddenly rang making him rummage through his coat pocket, searching for his phone not wanting to disturb Risa with it's loud ringing. He went out of the room, closing it behind him as he answers.


"I am out side of your room. We need to talk"

Taehyung quickly walked to his door and opened it. Jimin stood there, smiling at him as he gestured him to follow him to the hotel lounge.

"Has the doctor arrived?"

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"Has the doctor arrived?"

"Karin texted me that she will take it from there. The doctor just arrived just now"

"Actually, I wanted to tell you something. Before you saw us, I think Risa saw that architect, Kim Seokjin. I saw her and I saw the way she looked entirely disturbed at the sight of him. Is it possible, he is the cause of this?", he asked worriedly, eyes looking at Taehyung straight.

Taehyung mouth opens and closes, processing everything as he leans back on the chair. He massages his jaw, trying to think of Jimin words. He knows Seokjin is Risa's first love, but to the extend she felt anxious seeing her—it is worrying. What actually happened between them?

"I think you need to talk to her once she is awake. And tomorrow is the dinner, I hope she will be alright to attend it"


"I am fine Karin, I can go to my own room now", Risa laughs lowly, coughing a little as she sits upright.

"No no no. You are staying here. I am not letting you sleep alone in your room, with no one to monitor you. You will sleep here, and you are not going to move anywhere. I am going to ask Tae to sleep on the couch instead—"

"Karin, are you crazy? I don't need to sleep here. My room is just next door. And I am fine now. Look? Fever is gone, the doctor gave me medicine and I slept for hours after he checked on me. I can go to my own—"

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