Chapter 13

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Jimin heads straight to the coffee shop once again, getting his third cup of the day after dreading himself to work the whole day. He is having a hard time adjusting to the time after years of being in London; his body clock went haywire. He has been awake the whole night only to get extremely sleepy when the sun finally rises. Thus, the coffee.

Pushing the door open, scanning the quiet coffee shop while a very soothing slow pop song filling in the silence. Feeling weird when he realized he's the only customer and there's not even anyone in the coffee shop. Well, except for the workers.

"It's closed?", he asked confusedly as he approaches the worker standing at the cashier.

"It's closed?", he asked confusedly as he approaches the worker standing at the cashier

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"No Mr. Park, it is still opened. Would you like to order?", the tall lady at the cashier smiles as she greeted him.

"Can I have my usual?", he asked politely, flashing an earnest smile that could really light up the whole coffee shop with his beautiful eye smile.

"Of course. Mr.Park!"

Jimin was about to flash his card to pay when the cashier stops him. "It's on the house today, our new owner is giving out free coffees"

Jimin looks at her confusedly, his hand still holding onto his card. "New owner?"

"Yes, we have new owner now actually. She's there. The lady in pink, brown hair, sitting at the table near the wall", she pointed to the right side of the shop, gesturing Jimin to turn around to follow her eyes.

Jimin slowly follows the direction of her eyes, his eyes falling upon the lady she just described. He arched an eyebrow realizing that it's the same woman he bumped into this morning at that coffee shop. He watches her sitting upright, looking poised as she chats with a lady decked in all black, sitting just across her.

"She's one stunning woman, isn't she?"

Jimin unconsciously nods to her statement, not realizing that he has been eyeing her the whole time, forgetting that his coffee is ready to be collected.  He snapped out of himself, shaking his head lightly when he realized it. Laughing at himself, he thanked the cashier as he takes his coffee before heading out of the coffee shop.

But then, he halted his steps before turning around to look at her again.

"Maybe I should thank her for the free coffee"


Taehyung adjusts his tie as he looks into the big mirror in his room at the main house. Karin insisted that he gets ready at the main house so it will be easier for Risa as well. He has no idea how Karin managed to convince him into agreeing to this matter but knowing her, she has her ways with him.

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