Chapter 4

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P.O.V: Kean

I gulped hard. All eyes were on me. The pressure was definitely on. And I had no idea what was going on.

Melissa took my hand but it wasn't a tight grip. It was gentle, more comforting. Tight grips were meant for anchoring me back to reality during panic attacks. This was more for preventing one.

"Take a seat, you two," Director Fury ordered. We sat down at the end of the long table, where there were two empty seats. Melissa placed Mikey on her lap where he started bouncing a little. Seeing all of his favourite superheroes was definitely making him excited. James and Wanda took their seats at opposite ends of the table.

"Now that everyone's here, let's start," Director Fury turned to me and Melissa. "You two have been quite hard to find. It's been hard to track you two down. S.H.I.E.L.D has been looking for you, Mr Sparks."

"So what am I doing here?" Melissa asked.

"S.H.I.E.L.D thinks that we need only Mr Sparks but I know that we need you two, Ms Palmer."

"For what?"

"Mr Sparks has something that he doesn't know he has." I looked up, confused. "He has powers."

I was stunned. Powers? Don't get me wrong, I've always wanted to have powers, no matter what kind they were. But for me to actually get powers was another thing all together. I turned to Melissa. She looked as stunned as I was. But we weren't the only ones. This seemed to come as news to everyone else.

"What kind of twisted joke is this?" Melissa asked.

"Are you saying that we've been tracking down a kid for six months because he had powers?" Tony asked. "And you didn't tell us that he has powers?" Wait, I was being tracked?

"What kind of powers does he have?" Clint asked.

"And even if he has powers, why is he here?" Steve wondered.

"Quit whining, Stark," Director Fury said. "We don't know what powers he has yet. The reason he's here is because of a new enemy that we have."

He turned on the TV screen. It showed the picture of a human with orange skin that looked too vibrant to be natural. His skin wasn't a solid orange throughout, rather a little light and dark here and there. He had spiked up hair, slightly arched eyebrows, a muscular build, a stern expression on his face. He was objectively handsome, no doubt. He looked like a Hollywood Star.

"Meet our latest enemy. Subject 6589 has no name known to us. He recently has started wreaking havoc in some small villages. Massive havoc. Whatever he touches crumbles apart if he chooses to do so. He can shoot out waves of destruction from his fingertips. Buildings, plants, animals, even humans fall prey to him. Although he hasn't destroyed any big city, he needs to be stopped."

"But why are they here?" Bruce asked, referring to the two of us.

"Six months ago, S.H.I.E.L.D received a message from him. He called for Mr Sparks and Ms Palmer by name. That's when he started tearing places apart. We need these two to stop them. And they're here to train before they can fight him."

"So let me get this straight," Melissa said. "You've been chasing us for six months and now that we're here, you want us to train and build us to fight, and when we're ready, you're going to use us as bait to defeat this guy."


"Cool. I'm in."

"What?" I turned. "Seriously? You're just going to agree like that? How 'bout your own life? How 'bout Mikey?"

Two Broken SoulsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang