Chapter 3

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^Aunty Rita

P.O.V: Kean

I stared at Wanda in shock. "Say what now?"

"Come with me to the Avengers Tower and meet the team," she replied nonchalantly. "I mean, don't tell me you don't want that."

"Let's go!" Melissa screamed in excitement. Boots started barking and jumping around as if he wanted to meet the Avengers. Since that sounded absurd, the logical explanation to his behaviour was he felt Melissa's excitement and got excited too.

"Heroes?" Mikey asked curiously.

"Of course, Mikey," Wanda replied. "You get to see all of the heroes!"

"Yay!" Mikey jumped.

"So." Wanda turned to me. "What do you say, Kean?"

I thought about it. Part of me really wanted to go, but then there was my social anxiety. I get awkward around new people easily. I'm also super shy. That's why I don't make many friends.

Suddenly, I felt a tingling sensation in my head. Something felt a little off.

"Don't worry, they're friendly and nice," Wanda said, "Except for a one or two, who are quiet."

"Did you just read my mind?" I asked.

She nodded.

"Don't know if them being friendly and nice makes me feel any better."

"Come on, Kean," Melissa begged me. "Please?"

I didn't say anything for a while. Finally, I responded. "Fine, let's go. But I'm only doing this for you and Mikey. That's it. If not, then I'd pass."

Melissa hugged me and gave me a sisterly peck on the cheek. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Yeah, but I'll be absolutely quiet. Just saying."

"I don't care. As long as you're going, I'm good."

"Let me lock up this place and we can go."

A leisurely stroll later, we were outside the Stark Tower, otherwise known as the Avengers Tower. I was feeling nervous. Melissa had a calm smile plastered on her face but her gleaming eyes gave away her serene front. Mikey looked like he was trying to escape from Melissa's arms. I could feel enthusiasm radiating off him. Boots was at my heels, wagging his stump of a tail.

"Let's go." Wanda didn't really wait for us to enter. She strode in boldly, like the badass woman she is.

I walked in and was greeted by a male voice. "Good afternoon, Ms Maximoff, Ms and Master Palmer and Master Sparks."

I flinched, caught by surprise by the voice.

"JARVIS!" Mikey said.

"How does he know our names?" I asked

"Ms Maximoff informed me beforehand of your arrival." JARVIS replied.

"But how do you know my last name?"

"Through the database. I performed a search to get to know your names."

Something about that answer seemed off and rather unconvincing. "Um, okay then."

"Hello, JARVIS," Wanda said. "Where are the others?"

"They are sleeping. Some in their living room, others in their respective rooms."

She grumbled under her breath. "Seriously? I told them that we would be having guests over."

"Don't worry, Wanda," Melissa said. "It's fine if they're sleeping. They probably had a long day."

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