Imp" Snowhead!! "

Weiss" oh no"

Snowhead lay in front of them, his legs nowhere to be seen, His head slumped on the ground

Roman (across a speaker system)" Get to your places, we are leaving now!"

Imp seems to not notice him, instead, he knelt down next to Snowhead and brushed his head

Imp "it's going to be fine Snowhead"

Snowhead slowly raised his head and opened his mouth but no sound came out, nonetheless is seems Imp understood

Imp "yes, You have been a good boy, it's time for you to rest now"

The whole team watched as Snowhead dropped his head again and the light fade from his eyes

Blake "Imp..."

Imp "not now, Emotions have no place on the battlefield (The train starts moving towards the tunnels) you have a train to catch"

Ruby "what about you?"

Imp "I need to finish what we started here, make sure there are no more white fang members left"

Ruby "We need backup. Let me call Jaune"

Ruby's Scroll flashes "Low Signal".

Ruby "I can't get through"

Weiss "So, what do we do?"

Oobleck "I believe we only have one option..."

Ruby " (turning around) We're stopping that train!"

Imp "good luck Ms. Rose, and may we meet again"

Ruby "Ruby (Imp look at here confused) call me Ruby, Snowhead saved our lives, the least I can offer you is my friendship"

And Although he had his mask on Ruby had a feeling that Imp was smiling

Imp "you remind me of your mother Ruby Rose, never change"

Ruby "you know my mother?"

Imp "I did, but it's not the time to talk about the past, you've got a train to catch"


A lone teenager is seen walking down the street, minding his own business when a group of five men dressed in a black suit with a matching hat and shoes, red sunglasses, and a red tie approach from behind him grins on their faces

One of the Henchmen put his hand around the teen neck and smiled

Henchmen 1# "yo kid, I have an offer you can't resist

The teen smiled innocently

Teen" sounds interesting, tell me more about it"

The group of Henchmen leads him to an alley where they all Surrounded him

Teen "oh I almost forgot, can I just call my parents and tell them I'm going to be late?"

Henchmen 1# "sure kid, just do it quick"

The teen pulled out a weird looking scroll and called a number, after a short push the other side picked up

Teen "hello vale police department? Yes there are five beats up guys in lizard Ally, you should send ambulances, thank you"

The teen hung up

Henchmen 1# (pulling out a sword) "why you little..."

The teen cracked his knuckles

THE EMERALD HERO (rwby x link and zelda son male reader)Where stories live. Discover now