(Couldnt figure out title)

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Why did everything have to change!!

Fell POV
Shitshshitshitshitshit fuck! I panicked as the doorknob slowly turned.
"Found you"

Flashback start
Fell POV
I woke up with a ponding In my head.
"W-What happened" I asked myself. Suddenly I realized.
"Classic!" I got up and ran out the room I was in. The hallway was long and unsettling. I heard some groaning from a room. Must be class waking up. I ran to the door and teleported inside. I covered his mouth. But when I heard someone coming I teleported without thinking. We ended up in some kinda of living room. Me and classic ran into the closet. I noticed that he was completely naked and his member was formed. I blushed hard.
"Why are you blushing." He asked.
"Well uh your kinda completely naked"
"I-oh shoot sorry" he said.
Suddenly the footsteps were getting closer and closer. Until they were right out side the door.
"Found you"
Flash back end

Fell POV
My heart was pounding. I was frozen with fear I couldn't teleport.
The door slowly opened. And there stood a skeleton I didn't recognize. He looked like class in his clothing but different he had no eye lights. This is bad.
"Well I assume you two woke up from your little naps"
"W-who are you and what do you want with us"
"Oh I don't want you I was actually trying to get rid of you. But nightmare wouldn't let me kill you. Too bad I guess."
"Kill?!? Why would you do this?!" I yelled at him trying to cover class"
"I've said too much." Then he turned me and fell blue. He separated us in the air.
"Now I'll have to decide what to do with you. I really only wanted classic but I could t have you Messing with my plan."

Classic pov
"What do you want!" I asked
"Oh well that's easy. I want you" what? What did he mean? He brought me down to him. I tried to look at fell but he grabbed
my chin forcing me to look at him.
"Mm you sure are sexy"
"Get away creep!" I say Kicking his chest.
" feisty too just what I like" he liked his lips. Who was he?! Why was he doing this? At this point I was scared.

Fell POV
I got an idea. I'm going to distract this guy and single to class to try and get away.
"Hey shit head. I'm gonna kill you if you do anything to classic" I Said with an attitude.
"Oh but how? Looks to me like your too weak." Classic gave me a 'dont do it' look. I winked at him. And it seemed like he understood that I had a plan.
"Hah reall? I bet I'm twice as sting as you even without using my magic" I taunted. He looked pissed
"Really? Why don't we test that? In an old school way."
"An arm wrestle than?"
"Perfect" he had a devilish smile on his face. I knew he was up to something.
"But," I Said "if I win you let me and classic go. And we promise to never speak of it again."
"And if I win?"
"Then......" I sighed "then you get to continue your plans as long as it doesn't include murdering us"
"Hmm well wasn't planning on killing anyways so it's a deal" he gave me a devilish smile.

I could tell this was gonna be bad.

My life with me (sequel to a kustard story)Where stories live. Discover now