The party

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Classic papyrus will be nick named pap and fell papyrus will be edge. So I hope u enjoy!

Fell POV
It's been a few months since I proposed to classic. And I had got pap's blessing to marry class too! And so has class from my brother. During all these months we've been planning our wedding down to every last detail. We wanted this to be perfect. There were gonna be so manny echo flowers cause those were our favorite kind. And a big cake flavored ketchup and mustard, along with vanilla for the guests. Even pap and edge are making spaghetti and lasagna for the wedding. I could wait. And after what felt like an eternity the big day was finally here! I was going to wear a red suit and classic is gonna wear a blue one. We were marrying at our favorite place.
Yep u guessed it... grilby's. I couldn't contain myself. I was so excited. I knocked on classics Door. He opens it and gave me a big hug.
"Are you ready for tomorrow?" He asked.
"Yeah but I'm kinda nervous."
"About what? It's gonna be perfect." He reassured me. I kissed his forehead and we got ready for a night out.

Classic POV
We were gonna hosting a big party at my house. A while ago me and fell made friends with a few other us'es. Outer, swapfell. Sci, blue, ink, error, fresh, geno, reaper, and a few more sanded and their paps were gonna be there.
((I might tell you how they met all these sanses in another chapter))
We already set up decorations and games and contests and things like that for the party so we were excited for that.

After a while everyone has come to the party. Some even came as a couple. Geno and reaper, ink and error, sci and outer. I leaned in to fell and said "wow who knew sci could get it on with outer?" I Said
"Yeah I know but I'm happy for them." Fell Said. I stood on the table and shouted
"Alright everyone it's time to play a game." I Said winking. "Truth or dare!" Most people were in on it except for some people who didn't want to play. Lameos. It was me Fell cross stretch(swap pap) outer ink error reaper and geno swapfell And BBQ.(swapfell pap aka Q)
I went first.
"Stretch truth or dare?"
"I dare you to lick the floor"
"Hah easy give me a harder one."
"Ok but it has to be a truth this time" I Said.
"Is it true that you have a crush on Q?" Stretch blushed bright orange.
"W-What no" he said looking away.
"Sure" I mumbled. "Anyway it's your turn" I Said.
Stretch looked around.
"Hmm error truth or dare?"
" I dare you to switch clothes with fresh for a week." He fell to his knees and yelled
"Noooooooooooo! Have mercy!"
"Sorry bud but you gotta do it" error stormed down off with fresh to go switch clothes. Ink followed just to make sure they didn't do anything.
While the game was going on my mind started to wonder. I thought about how happy I would be at me and fell's wedding. I wanna spend the rest of my life which fell. I love him so much. Then suddenly a memory of "the night" came into my head. I had totally forgotten but still couldn't help but feel guilty and I still haven't told Fell. What would he say? Would he still love me? Do I even deserve to be with him? I had to do what was right. No matter how harsh the consequences will be. I have to tell Fell. I pulled fell into a private room and sat him down.
"Fell there's somthing I have to tell you."

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