Marry me?

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Author pov
It's was classic and fells one year anniversary today and fell had a very special surprise for classic. He was gonna propose. And boy was he nervous.

Fell POV
I was nervous. I bout a ring for classic I wanted to propose. But I don't know if I'm ready. I do t want classic to think I'm rushing into anything but I just love him too much to wait any longer. The ring had a big ruby on it. I hope he's gonna like it. We were meeting at the new MTT restaurant mettaton got on the surface. In his au of course cause my frisk apparently likes it in the underground and doesn't want to leave for some reason. And she's a big dick too. I hate my AU. It was 6:45 and we were supposed to meet for dinner at seven. But I couldn't wait so I left early.

Classic POV
I'm so excited today was me and fells anniversary and we were meeting for dinner at a fancy restaurant. I put on the blue collar fell gave me. Along with my fancy jacket and shorts. I only wear them on special occasions. I put on some pink gym shoes cause I don't have any other shoes than these and my slippers. But it's ok I guess. When I waled down stairs I heard a knock on my door. Hmm only 6:51 fells early. I opened the door to see Fell in a brand new jacket and a shiny sweater underneath.
"Wow you look hot" we both said at the same time. We both blushed laughing nervously. He kissed me and grabbed my hand.
"Ready?" He asked
"But our reservation was at seven we still have like ten minutes left."
"Ok we'll just walk" he said
"Sounds fun!" So we went on a walk to the restaurant. We got some looks from some of the humans. I guess gay skeletons aren't normal here. Heh who knew. We just ignored them and kept walking. Then I saw a couple on the other side of the street giving us a nasty look. I told Fell and we decided to mess with them. We got close enough to where they could here us. And started messing with them.
"Ohh I love being gay with you class"
"Ohh yeah being gay is the best." We started rubbing each other and kissing. The looks we were getting from that couple were too funny. It was getting hard to keep in my laugh. Eventually they stormed away. And we both fell to the ground laughing hysterically. Man it was fun to mess with people. I looked at my phone.
"SHIT it's 6:59! We gotta get to the restaurant before they give our table to someone else!"  Fell grabbed my hand and teleported is strait to the restaurant. Thank god. That was close. We got the table and sat down.
"Ok babe whatcha wanna eat?" Fell asked. There was so much on menus I didn't know what to pick.
"I guess the taco salad?" I Said. The waiter came over and asked us what we wanted.
"We'll have two taco salads please" Then he asked what to drink. Fell looked at me.
"Oh uh I'll have a strawberry margarita please." I Said.
"And one for me too." Fell Said.
"Ok can u see your ID please." We gave him out IDs and waited for the food. I couldn't help but notice that Fell was sweating.
"Fell are you ok? Your sweating."
"I-oh um yeah it just a little hot in here. I only own sweaters and jackets cause I live in snowdin. Heh who knew it could get so hot on the surface?"
"Well I'll be happy to buy you some new cloths." I Said.
"No no it's fine." I couldn't help but worry. Fell looked nervous for some reason.

Fell POV
I was so nervous. I didn't know what class was gonna say. After I proposed I want to live together and Mabye someday have kids with him. I don't know what I would do it he didn't say yes. Our food finally came. Along with the drinks. I poured mustard on my salad.  And classic poured ketchup on his.
"Wow this is really uh interesting?" He said
"Yeah why didn't we get a date at grilby's?" He Said.
"I don't k ow I guess we wanted it to be fancy?"
"Wanna leave?" He asked.
"Nah I like it here. It's romantic." I winked at him and he blushed a little. I decided now was the time.
I put my hand in my poket and started my speech.
"Classic, you are the most wonderful person I have ever met. When I'm sad you try your best to make me happy. You are beautiful handsome and smoking hot all at the same time. You are the love of my life. And now I ask you to make me the happiest skeleton Alive and marry me?" I Said as I got on one knee and  opened the box. Showing him the ring.

Classic POV
I covered my mouth. I couldn't believe it. Fell proposed to me. I cried.
"YES!" I yelled while hugging him tightly. We both kissed for a long time. Even some people were clapping in the background. Fell put the ring on my finger. We stood up looking deep into each other's eyes.
"Classic I will forever cherish this moment. I want to  buy a house with you. And someday even have kids with you." He said. I has just so happy I couldn't contain it.
"Yes yes I would love that." I was crying happy tears.
We both teleported back to my house.  And fell pinned me to the wall and we made out roughly. I teleported is up to my room. We're things we're bout to go down.

(The next chapter will probably be a lemon so u have been warned. And also there will be some non lemon stuff in the next chapter so yeah bye!)

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